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World Diabetes Day 2023: NHSO Campaign for Diabetes Awareness and Care

November 14 “World Diabetes Day” NHSO joins in campaigning under the slogan “Diabetes, know that you are at risk, know that you must change” Gold Card Fund 30 baht has benefits. “Services to control and prevent the severity of disease for patients with diabetes and high blood pressure” reveals that in fiscal year 2023, more than 4.2 million patients will receive services, or 97.70 percent of the target, while in fiscal year 2024, a budget of more than 1.12 billion baht has been allocated. for continuous care

On 14 November 2023, Dr. Jadet Thamthatcharee, Secretary-General of the National Health Security Office (NHSO), said: Diabetes is a chronic non-communicable disease caused by an abnormality in the body that does not produce enough of the hormone insulin. Or the body is unable to use sugar effectively. Causes high blood sugar levels And if high blood sugar occurs for a long period of time, it will affect various organs. In the body, performance deteriorates and can fail. It is considered a disease that is an important public health problem. Around the world, there is a continuous increase in the number of people with diabetes, with more than 500 million people and 6.7 million deaths per year. In 2024, it is expected that there will be more than 600 million people with diabetes (data from the Department of Disease Control). disease Ministry of Public Health)

Therefore, to make the world aware of this diabetes. International Diabetes Federation and World Health Organization It has been designated that every November 14th of every year is World Diabetes Day” Starting from 1991 onwards, and in 2023, the campaign issue has been set under the slogan “Diabetes, you know it’s at risk, you know it and you have to change it” to emphasize behavioral changes that will prevent diabetes from becoming a serious condition.

Dr. Jadet further said that regarding the diabetes situation in Thailand Information from the Diabetes Association of Thailand Currently, there are 5.1 million people with diabetes from a population of approximately 67 million. Under the National Health Insurance System or the “30 Baht Gold Card” there are benefits. “Service to control and prevent the severity of disease for patients with diabetes and high blood pressure” to take care of diabetic patients continuously.

Patients with diabetes and high blood pressure

According to operational data in the National Health Insurance System, in approximately 2023, there will be patients with diabetes and high blood pressure receiving screening services for complications. To control, prevent violence and delay the occurrence of complications to increase the quality of services according to the standards of continuous care, a total of 4,269,315 people, or 97.70 percent of the budget allocated target of 4,370,013 people, of whom 4,370,013 are diabetic patients and There were 2,083,451 people with diabetes and comorbid high blood pressure and 2,185,864 people with high blood pressure.

Dr. Jadej added that For fiscal year 2024, NHSO has allocated a budget for services to control, prevent, and treat chronic diseases. It is a service fee for controlling, preventing and treating diabetes in the amount of 1,123.99 million baht, covering care for patients with type 1 diabetes, patients with type 2 diabetes, and pregnant women diagnosed with diabetes. and pregnant women who were found to have diabetes before pregnancy. There is also a screening service for diabetes and high blood pressure and advice to reduce risk factors for disease.

From this diabetes control, prevention and treatment service Patients will have their blood sugar levels (HbA1c) checked, which will reveal the sugar level in the body and lead to behavioral changes that reduce risk, such as eating healthy food, avoiding sweet, fatty, salty flavors, not smoking, and not drink alcohol Exercise regularly and control body weight appropriately, etc., in order to prevent severe illness, including various diseases that are caused by diabetes, including ischemic heart disease Stroke Retinal complications and chronic kidney disease, etc.

“Every year on November 14th is World Diabetes Day. This year, the campaign is under the slogan “Diabetes. Know the risks. Know and you must change.” NHSO would like to join in the campaign for Thai people to be aware of this diabetes. Although it is a chronic non-communicable disease But it is considered a serious threat to the health of Thai people that can lead to serious diseases.” Secretary General of NHSO said

2023-11-14 06:27:58

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