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World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Updated on 01/09/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes

On September 1 of each year, Christians around the world join together in the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.an initiative instituted by Pope Francis in August 2015.

The purpose of this event is to raise awareness among the faithful about the urgent need to protect and care for the environment, promoting a spiritual conversion that responds to the current ecological crisis.

The date was chosen in keeping with the tradition of the Eastern Church, which marks this day as the beginning of the liturgical year and the commemoration of the creation of the world.

Where does the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation come from?

The inspiration for this day came from the Greek Orthodox theologian Juan Zizioulas (1931-2023)who, during the presentation of the encyclical Praise be to yousuggested establishing a special day dedicated to prayer for creation.

In his encyclical, Francis underlines the interconnection between ecological problems and social crises, calling for an integral ecology that recognises the dignity of all creation and the responsibility of human beings in its care.

The central aim of this day is to foster a “deep spiritual conversion,” a transformation of people’s hearts and minds to see the natural world as a precious gift from God, worthy of protection and care.

It is an opportunity to reflect on how our actions impact the environment and to commit to adopting more sustainable and creation-friendly lifestyles.

World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Motto 2024: “Hope and act with creation”

For the 2024 event, the proposed motto is “Wait and act with creation”In his message for the day, Pope Francis stresses the need to wait, not in a passive way, but as an active attitude of care and love towards creation, which translates into specific actions to protect our planet and its resources.

The Pope stressed that the ecological crisis cannot be addressed with words or good intentions alone, but with concrete decisions and actions.

It is a call to be an active part of this change, collaborating with nature and respecting the limits it imposes on us.

Following the tradition of the Eastern Church, this day is also a time to celebrate the greatness of God’s creation. It is a reminder that creation is a divine gift entrusted to us. This spiritual perspective motivates believers to see the earth not just as a resource to be exploited, but as a manifestation of God’s love, which requires respect and care.

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