Home » Sport » ‘World Cup in Qatar was great, time for TOTAL BAN alcohol in all sports canteens’

‘World Cup in Qatar was great, time for TOTAL BAN alcohol in all sports canteens’

It is not Islamization if you do it for the safety of women!

Do you know where women’s rights are well settled? In Qatar of course! There, football supporters were not allowed to drink alcohol, so that women were not harassed. Perhaps that is why it is a good idea to introduce an alcohol ban at all amateur sports clubs throughout Amsterdam. It’s as simple as that the local party of DENK in the capital. Because if you THINK long enough, Islamization will automatically become a matter of ‘protecting women’. Besides, why stop at a ban on alcohol in sports canteens? Women are also harassed outside sports canteens, right? Just ban liquor in the entire city center! And in the suburbs! And in people’s homes. Then maybe the Netherlands will finally become just as female-friendly as in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran and all those other women’s paradises.

Alcohol HARAM

Wollah Qatar (in Max)

jos verstappen doesn't need alcohol to harass women

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