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World Cup high-tech football needs pre-match charging scene photos finally exposed- Hong Kong unwire.hk

Indeed, many new technologies are added to the World Cup event every year, and soccer itself, which is the heart of the game, is of course no exception. This year’s World Cup special football has added a lot of sensors. It turns out that it needs to be charged before the game. Recently, someone took a picture of the charging.

The World Cup soccer ball named “Al Rihla (Journey)” was developed by Adidas. In addition to the material and cutting method to improve the stability in the air, a position sensor was also added inside to perceive football on the pitch in real time The position of the camera allows the camera to follow the ball and the player’s movements more effectively. KINEXON, a sensor developer, said that when a ball is kicked and thrown, it can detect motion 500 times per second and then wirelessly transmit the data to a local positioning system for analysis.

Since the sensor needs to send wireless signals, it obviously needs to be charged. Recently, some netizens shared photos of football charging on Reddit, showing that the charging cable is inserted into the football like an inflating needle, and it is said that each charge can be used for 6 hours. Official footballs on the market do not have built-in sensors, so they don’t need to be charged.

source:Daily mail

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