No miracle in the round of 16 of the world championships: Joao couldn’t do anything against the world n°2, the Chinese Wang CHUQIN.
Left-handed like the Wolf and with the same game system as him, the Chinese just does everything faster and stronger than Joao in all areas!
Difficult to hope to win in these conditions.
Joao lost in 4 straight sets (4 / 4 / 4 / 10), having nevertheless had the merit of obtaining a set point in the 4th round at 10-9… which the Chinese saved without flinching.
Our Wolf can however be proud of his career in Durban.
He will be full of confidence and will, with this defeat, have time to decompress to present himself in Rouen on Tuesday at the top of his game and fresh as a roach!
Go Wolves!
2023-05-25 13:03:55
#adventure #Durban #Joao #Les #Loups #dAngers