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World Cancer Day: February 4, 2021

ICancer can be beaten. Let’s do it together”.

This is the slogan of the Ministry of Health e IFO for the twentieth World Cancer Day which is celebrated on February 4, 2021. An invitation for everyone, starting with the youngest, to reflect on what each of us can do to fight cancer, prevent it and deal with it in the most effective way. The good news is there, specialized centers, free cancer screenings, patient associations and experts too. Saving your life after a cancer diagnosis is possible. However, it is necessary to inquire to recognize the symptoms, avoid i risky behaviors e act as soon as possible.

The video “Cancer can be beaten, let’s do it together”

“Discovering the tumor early on can make treatment easier and save your life. If you receive an invitation from your local health authority, do not miss the opportunity. Take part in free screenings for i breast, cervical and colon cancers“. This is what doctors and specialists of Regina Elena and San Gallicano recommend in the video “Cancer can be beaten, let’s do it together”, made by the Ministry of Health together with the Regina Elena and San Gallicano Institutes on the occasion of the World Cancer Day of February 4, 2021.

Get to know him to beat him

The World Cancer Day is promoted by UICC – Union for International Cancer Control and supported byWorld Health Organization (WHO). The slogan of the World Day for the three-year period 2019-2021 is “I Am and I Will” – “I am and I will do”, an invitation to action and personal, associational and institutional commitment. In fact, the initiative recalls the importance of individual action and of the personal commitment on cancer prevention and improving access to cancer screening. The goal is to try to save lives by increasing awareness of the disease so that people better recognize the symptoms, do prevention, avoid risky behaviors.

Prostate and kidney cancer: innovation in Turin

L’’IRCCS of Candiolo (TO), the Piedmont Oncology, for two days becomes the world capital of hi-tech in the fight against prostate and kidney cancers. The leading international experts, gathered for the conference “Techno-Urology Meeting”, Held online, shape the future of oncology surgery for increasingly personalized, precise and effective operations. The first two interventions guided by artificial intelligence on the kidney and prostate were performed in these days as a world premiere.

The new precision and personalized minimally invasive technique

The application of augmented reality made them superimposable for the first time virtual 3D images of the organ to be operated on to the real ones, allowing the surgeon to see inside the organ the tumor to be removed directly on the operating field during surgery. A tprecision, minimally invasive and personalized surgical treatment. The revolutionary approach, the preliminary results of which were recently published in the prestigious journal European Urology, was developed by a team made up of urologists led by Francesco Porpiglia, Full Professor of Urology of the IRCCS Candiolo Department of Oncology – San Luigi Hospital of the University of Turin, and by biomedical engineers of the Polytechnic of Turin.

ROPI, the Italian Patients Oncology Network, is born

«The difficulties that patients have to face are enormous and still very little understood – he explains Stefania Gori, President Oncology Network Patients Italy and President AIOM Foundation -. That’s why ROPI was born as a real ‘Network of patient associations who have lived or are living an oncological experience.

The goals are those of coordinate and support associations and their requests towards national and territorial institutions. Provide certified information to patients; to plan a “specific training” of patients to be included in the Regional Oncological Networks, in the PDTAs, in the drafting groups of clinical protocols. The training programs for cancer patients will be implemented using the skills of doctors, psychologists, communication experts, methodologists, with courses organized via the web and, when possible, residential “.

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Less mortality but more cases

«Although on the one hand we are witnessing a albeit slight but continuous decline in mortality, on the other theincidence continues to grow and this year they will be over 4 million Italians who will have experienced cancer, ”he explains Francesco Schittulli, President Italian League for the Fight against Cancer-LILT.-

It is an army of sick people who, together with their families, will need care, support and assistance. LILT works daily on the one hand to ensure that those who fight against cancer, whether it be patients, family members or caregivers, are not left alone, on the other hand to spread the culture of health protection in citizenship with a 360-degree commitment ° in primary prevention (correct lifestyles), secondary (early diagnosis) and tertiary (taking care of the cancer patient) for a future without cancer ».

Associations, a strong point against cancer

“The role of patient associations must become a priority in relations with institutions and in collaboration with scientific societies”, adds Giordano Beretta, President AIOM.

In the oncology field, the role of patient associations is increasingly important and the creation of a network between them can facilitate their involvement in the management of the problems that must be faced by patients and their caregivers. AIOM therefore applauds the initiative and wishes the nascent ROPI Network to develop a virtuous and satisfying path that can quickly join the other associations already present on the national territory with which AIOM already collaborates ».

Getting back to work after cancer: the Onconauts

The work theme is one of ROPI’s first intervention projects. “Return to work post Covid-19, was studied precisely to coincide with the pandemic,” he says Stefano Giordani, Scientific director ofOnconauti Association. The purpose of the initiative, usable both in presence and remotely thanks to a dedicated digital app, is to support the functional and occupational recovery of oncological and non-cancer patients through a preliminary assessment. Then follows a course of practice yoga associated with coaching on lifestyle e psychological support”.-

The diet to follow? Mediterranean

Circa 5 to 20 percent of neoplasiaand it is attributable to an incorrect diet, understood both in qualitative and qualitative terms. When we talk about proper diet we refer to the Mediterranean one. «It is proven that he does a prodigious work of prevention of oncological diseases, cardiovascular, neurological, osteoarticular, ”he says Claudia Santangelo, President of the association Living without a stomach ODV (you can).-

In addition, nutritional status should be assessed in patients diagnosed with cancer. In fact, malnutrition is a phenomenon that is still too present that can negatively affect the quality of life and the favorable outcome of treatments. 9% of patients at the first diagnosis present a state of malnutrition and 40% are at risk ».

Caregivers, essential for patients

Everyday 3 million people take care of their families, of a friend, of a friend, affected by a tumor. “They accompany the patient along the path of treatment, enter and leave hospitals, clinics, administrative offices to support and help a family member along the path of illness”, he explains Fabrizio Nicolis, Oncology Patient Association Sacred Heart Hospital Don Calabria Negrar Onlus. The difficulties they face, and their needs, are still poorly understood. This is why ROPI wanted to place these people at the center of its attention, with their questions, their difficulties and their fragility: creating dedicated training courses and providing useful material in the path of accompanying the cancer patient “.

Podcasts for those with cancer

Humanitas launches “Ours are coming“, a series of podcasts dedicated to patients to prepare them for the national anti Covid-19 vaccination campaign by responding to doubts and fears thanks to voice of doctors and researchers. The first podcast is dedicated to cancer patients: vaccine safety, timing of administration and interaction with ongoing therapies are some of the issues addressed. Podcasts will follow on patients treated at Radiotherapy, Oncohematology, the Leukemia Center and Oncological Surgery, with explanations from the specialists of the Humanitas Cancer Center. The podcasts “Ours are coming” are on Spotify and Spreaker.

Video testimonies of young people

February 4, 2021 will also be celebrated online, with video testimonials of younger patients: i AYA boys, the project dedicated to adolescents and young adults of Cancer Center at Humanitas. The strength of the kids who fought their battle against cancer turns into a call for prevention. The videos of the young people of AYA will be visible on the hospital’s social channels: Instagram (@humanitashealth), Facebook and Youtube (Humanitas Research Hospital).-

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