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World Cancer Day 2022: Prevention is key

Prof. Dr. medical Johannes M. Wolff M.sc., Chief Physician and Medical Director of the Paracelsus Clinic Düsseldorf Golzheim, specialist in urology talking to a patient (Photo: Valentin Pellio)

Düsseldorf. Urological tumors often grow in secret and initially do not cause any symptoms. Prevention is therefore all the more important.

February 4th is the annual World Cancer Day established by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). For 22 years, the focus has been on raising awareness of how cancer develops and providing information on prevention and treatment methods. According to the UICC, more than 12 million people worldwide develop cancer every year and around 8 million die as a result. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), around 510,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year across Germany.

Tumors often do not initially cause any symptoms and are often recognized by chance. There are numerous preventive offers for cancer screening that enable an early diagnosis. For men, prostate cancer screening is high on the list. Statutory health insurance pays for the annual prostate examination from the age of 45. However, preventive medical check-ups are recommended from the age of 40, especially for men with a family history. However, many men do not take advantage of this offer and only consult a specialist when they experience symptoms such as frequent and/or painful urination or blood in the urine.

The fear of the preventive examination

“For many men, going to the urologist is still an overcoming,” explains Prof. Dr. Johannes M. Wolff, Chief Physician at the Paracelsus Clinic in Golzheim. “Prostate diseases in particular are still taboo and shameful: it’s about continence, about potency, about being a ‘real’ man.

The thought of the classic check-up, the palpation, is also uncomfortable for many,” the chief physician continues. “Because men have difficulties with the topic of pension provision, constant exchange with our established partners is so important to us. We can only work together to ensure that men take themselves and their health more seriously and visit their urologist regularly.”

Prostate cancer is easily treatable

A fatal fact, because the earlier a reliable diagnosis is made that it is actually prostate cancer, the better the treatment options and thus the chances of recovery. If the tumor is still limited to the prostate at the time of diagnosis, the chances of recovery are now over 90 percent – there are few other tumors that have such promising treatment strategies. That is why men over the age of 45 should make use of the statutory early diagnosis by a urologist, even if none of the typical symptoms occur.

Paracelsus Clinic Golzheim is a TOP clinic for the treatment of prostate cancer

Also this year, the Paracelsus Klinik Düsseldorf Golzheim is one of the top hospitals for the treatment of prostate cancer. The FOCUS list contains all those clinics that occupy an outstanding position in the treatment of various cancers, both nationally and regionally. In June 2021, the FOCUS list of doctors was published with the top doctors listed nationwide. The Paracelsus Clinic Golzheim was also able to score here: For the eleventh time in a row, chief physician Prof. Dr. medical Johannes M. Wolff for the treatment of urological tumors.

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