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World Blood Donor Day … except in Guyana

June 14 was World Blood Donor Day. But in Guyana, since 2005, a prefectural decree has prohibited blood collection due to the presence of Chagas disease transmitted by parasites. The French Blood Establishment manages blood products.

Every day, the EFS, the French blood establishment, distributes their blood product needs to hospitals, clinics and maternity hospitals.

Stock management which made it possible to cope with

Despite the ban on blood collection in our territory since 2005, due to the presence of Chagas disease, according to the EFS, locally, the management of the stock has not been impacted by the health crisis affirms Doctor Sylvie Gross – Epidemiologist of the French Cayenne Blood Establishment:

We haven’t really had any tension on stocks here in Guyana. There have been delays in planes or planes that have been postponed by one day, but overall our stock has always been sufficient to ensure the supply of hospitals and the distribution of products to patients. We always had 14 days of stock which is good …

Doctor Sylvie Gross – Epidemiologist of the French Cayenne Blood Establishment

© Guyana the 1st

Due to the presence of many viruses and diseases such as Chagas in Guyana, a prefectural decree ended blood collection in April 2005. For 15 years, 70% of the blood products used have come from France and 30%. % of Guadeloupe:

We would like to resume collections but are we able to collect in a place where there is malaria, Chagas disease, epidemics of arbovirus, zika, chikungunya, dengue, yellow fever etc … and other pathogens? You really have to re-evaluate all this finely …

The resumption of fundraising could be a reality in the near future. It is in any case the wish of theFrench blood establishment which ordered a complete epidemiological study from Public Health France because each year, approximately 8,000 blood products are transfused in Guyana, for approximately a little over 2,500 patients.

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