Ph: DR: : Nestor Coffi, head of World Bank operations in Benin
If the strong growth of the last decade has enabled Benin to reduce poverty, the country’s development gains are threatened by the impact of climate shocks, according to the conclusions of the new national report on the climate and the country’s development ( CCDR), published on December 7, 2023. Ambitious actions are necessary to promote sustainable and inclusive growth, taking advantage of opportunities for better forest and land management, resilient urban infrastructure as well as an energy transition enabling to achieve universal access to electricity.
Benin has some of the lowest rates of greenhouse gas emissions in the world, yet the country remains one of the most vulnerable to climate change, placing 152nd out of 181 countries in the ranking of extreme climate vulnerability. Floods are increasingly severe and pose significant challenges in the face of inadequate water supply, sanitation, and waste collection systems. In addition to increasing deforestation, the country’s 125 kilometers of coastline suffer from severe coastal erosion, which is expected to get worse if nothing is done.
« The issue raised by the report is to find how to reconcile development and the challenges linked to climate change in order to protect the poor and the most vulnerable, » underlines Nathalie Picarelli, senior economist at the World Bank and lead author of the report. “ Our report estimates that between half a million and up to 1 million more people could fall into poverty by 2050 if no adaptation action is taken. »
Benin’s vulnerability to climate change is due in part to an economic structure dependent on agriculture and informal employment. However, there is reason for optimism if the country moves quickly towards resilient economic development, focusing its investments and policies on adapting to climate change risks.
« Benin has made significant progress in some areas of its coastline to tackle coastal erosion, but more work remains to be done as the country has one of the highest rates of coastal erosion in the Gulf from Guinea, » recalls Manuela Ravina da Silva, environmental specialist at the World Bank and co-author of the report. “ There is also a need to invest more in mitigation measures, including renewable energy, expand access to electricity for the population and tackle deforestation through tenure systems. sustainable floors. The country’s reforestation objectives must also be achieved by 2030. »
Adapting to climate change requires a resilient growth model. Government and the private sector must be better prepared to confront climate change — developing appropriate institutions and governance structures will play a crucial role. While all sectors must become more resilient, this transformation is particularly urgent for agriculture and land use, urban planning and network infrastructure, as well as human development (education, health).
« Benin’s development program is very ambitious. Facing the challenge of climate change is necessary to achieve inclusive growth. Financing needs are significant and will require coordinated action, innovative financing solutions and sustained involvement of the private sector. The CCDR report constitutes a call to action for all development stakeholders in Benin, » concludes Nestor Coffi, head of World Bank operations in Benin. (Source: World Bank Benin)