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World Anesthesia Day Is Delivered Softly, The Safety of Medical Workers Is Still Under Threat

According to Ratna, World Anesthesia Day which is commemorated every October 16 is a milestone in the start of modern anesthesia. This is the day when William Morton demonstrated the use of general anesthesia with ether inhalation The Ether Dome, Massachusetts General Hospital exactly 174 years ago or 1846. Word anesthesia himself created by Oliver Wendell Holmes a few weeks after the Morton demonstration. Anesthesia contains the meaning of “loss of sensation”, especially to touch stimuli.

“Today, anesthesia has become very widespread.”Anesthesia agent“In the past, only ether now has dozens of variations, both inhalation, intravenous and other drugs. Facilities for performing surgical procedures and other procedures are also developing. Neuraxial blocks (spinal and epidural anesthesia) and peripheral nerve blocks have been practiced daily with various advantages. General anesthesia can also be achieved, from light sedation to narcosis, “he explained.

Not only that, continued Ratna, the science of anesthesia has also expanded into perioperative medicine; anesthesia outside the operating room, including pain management; and critical care medicine including heart-lung-brain resuscitation and intensive therapy. Relentless research in anesthesiology and intensive therapy has led to better and safer service practices. From epidemiological data in the US, the chance of anesthetic-related death in the 1940s was 1 in 1000 procedures, then in early 2000 it was reduced to 1 in 100,000 procedures.

Anesthesiology has pioneered the development of intensive care science. Airway management and mechanical ventilation are naturally common procedures performed by anesthesiologists. Invasive monitoring procedures (eg central venous catheter, systemic arterial pressure, and pulmonary artery pressure) are procedures commonly performed by anesthesiologists in the operating room as well.

“We certainly hope that this pandemic will soon pass so that life can go back to normal. All education and research processes can run again as expected. Elective cases can increase again and services to the community continue as before. Thus,” Happy World Anesthesia Day “can be said. with a big smile and feeling really happy, “he concluded.

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