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World Alzheimer’s Day: Creating Memories Through Food and Stories

World Alzheimer’s Day

The initiative was created in response to World Alzheimer’s Day, says Luiken. “I have sent family members a blank page asking them if they would like to write down a beautiful recipe that has a memory attached to it.” Often when they see a certain vegetable, residents immediately know what to do with it. “Peeling potatoes, shelling beans, that creates a certain atmosphere. It feels like home.”


The act itself evokes a lot, but the occasion of the dish also provides memories and beautiful stories. “The pea soup is of course a real winter dish. It was cold and we went outside to play in the snow and skate. When we came home we ate pea soup.” A memory like that doesn’t normally come up, it’s really because of the food and the ingredients. “That’s very nice and special to be part of.”

2023-12-11 16:32:06
#elderly #people #Alzheimers #recall #memories #cooking #recipes

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