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Workshop: «The creation of the book as an art object», Roberto Aguirrezabala

Workshop Contents

Throughout the workshop we will analyze photobooks that are objects of art, where form and content go hand in hand in favor of the story. We will see how their structure works, what makes them different, where it is very common to find an advanced interpretation of the concept of binding and a constant questioning of the conventional structure of the book.

In addition, the workshop will provide a series of functional knowledge to deal with this fundamental format of project communication. Regarding technical issues, we will practice with folding techniques and we will see how it is possible to build a book without a spine, without sewing and without adhesives, simply expanding the notion of the book’s structure. We will also analyze aspects such as the parts of a book, the characteristics of the paper, what must be taken into account when printing, the different types of binding, the thread, the stitching, the adhesives, the materials for the covers and others. physical elements of a paper publication. We will also see that with a few very basic and affordable tools you can achieve professional quality bindings.

Finally, we will examine the usual tools to communicate an editorial project, such as the video teaser, the cover-to-cover video, the sales brochure and the press kit. In addition, we will review the usual forms of self-distribution, online store, bookstores, markets, festivals, etc.

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