It is within the framework of the village hall that the union committee gathered its members to deliberate on the action of this union (public lighting, electrification, renewable energies, etc.) and examine the following agenda:
– Vote on the public contracts to be initiated linked to the electrification carried out by TE 47.
– Amendment to the contract with Enedis for the works in the period of four years to come.
Welcomed by the mayor of Prayssas, departmental councilor and 1st vice-president of the community of communes of the Confluent and Coteaux de Prayssas, Philippe Bousquier, the thirty or so elected officials present from the member communes took part in this meeting moderated by Jean-Marie Causse , president of the union and mayor of Aubiac, and Jérôme Queyron, director of the union.
By coming to Prayssas, the Territoire d’Energie Lot-et-Garonne union has chosen a dynamic municipality, resolutely turned towards the future, proud of its achievements and full of projects.