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Working mission of the Director General of the Agency for the Modernization of Cities – The Sahel

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Arrived in Diffa on July 18, 2022 at the head of a delegation made up of members of his administrative and technical staff, Mr. Mouctar Mamoudou, director general of the city modernization agency, held meetings with the Administrative, Municipal and University students before visiting the infrastructures created within the framework of Diffa N’Glaa, namely the Maison de la Culture, the Tribune, the Regional Museum, the Residence of the Governor, the Place des Martyrs, the Mamadou Tanja Airport. The delegation also had to visit the Central Market of Diffa, the irrigated perimeter and streets of certain districts. After these meetings and field visits, the Director General held a summary meeting in the Governorate Meeting Room.

Mr. Mouctar Mamoudou paid a vibrant tribute to all the Regional Authorities for their precious support in organizing his work mission from July 18 to 20, 2022 in the beautiful City of Manga. Also, the Director General of AMV-Niger had to explain the objective of his mission which led him to the regional capitals. The Niger Cities Modernization Agency (AMV-Niger) is a public administrative establishment. from Niger.

Speaking of meetings with regional institutions, namely the Governorate, the Regional Council, the Departments, the Town Hall, the University, the Director General noted that this is an ideal framework for exchange or all the concerns of these entities have been combed through.

“These exchanges have enabled my Institution to take these concerns into account in order to provide the necessary support in terms of urban management, town planning and development as well as to public, semi-public and private urban operators”, said he asserted.

“In Diffa, we found administrative officials and technical staff very committed to the successful modernization of the city of Diffa. Our Institution is prepared for technical support, which is ideal. The modernization of our cities remains a major concern for the authorities. The visits carried out on the ground allowed us to understand with precision all the problems of Urbanization. I would like to say that this working visit will lay the groundwork for a flourishing partnership between the Agency for the Modernization of Cities and the Communities,” he said.

Mato Adamou ONEP -Diffa

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