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Working group meeting in the Wärmewende Nordwest project

For the latter field, an internal project, cross-research field working group meeting took place on August 28, 2024, in midsummer temperatures at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences (HSB).

In addition to an update on current developments in “Cross-sectional Activity 2”, the focus was primarily on the topic of teaching: The content developed in the project is to be further integrated and consolidated in teaching at the participating universities.

For this purpose, the basic principles of the planned “Winter School” were established, which is scheduled to begin next spring. The aim of the Winter School is to introduce young people in particular, including students and trainees, to the topic of the heat transition. In addition to the general planning for the location and time period, initial ideas for the program were also discussed. Since there is still a great need for discussion about how the format of the Summer/Winter School can be designed so that the project content is integrated into both university teaching and vocational training, there will be further meetings in the future.

In addition to planning the transfer of project results into teaching and training, initial thoughts on the final conference and a tour of the rooms intended for this purpose were also on the agenda.

For all those interested, here’s a “save the date” note for your calendar:
From 10 to 12 September 2025 The WWNW final conference will take place in combination with the 3rd Conference of North German Thermal Research at the HSB in Bremen!

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