Dynamic working days
The fact that Letícia now has a job with a healthy work-life balance is something she has dreamed of for the past few years. “During my studies I completely lost that balance. I used almost all my time to study. This made me unhappy, so I decided: things had to be different at my first job. I wanted to have time for my hobbies again, like photography.” So Leticia started looking for a flexible employer. “I had heard positive stories about Capgemini, such as that they encourage you to take good care of yourself and think about how best to fit your work. This also came to light in my first conversation. It wasn’t a problem that I still didn’t know if I wanted the technical side or the project management side. I got the chance to find that out quietly.”
Letícia is now fully in her place as Relationship Manager. “I manage customer requests, help coordinate a team of seventy engineers and I’m also responsible for the related finances.” The best thing about her job? That it is so dynamic. “I don’t know in advance what my day will be like, just that there are always a lot of problems to solve. Such as organizing last-minute training for employees or ensuring that a contract is extended before the end of the year. Challenges I like to sink my teeth into.”
“I got the chance to quietly find out what position suits me best.”

A culture of balance
Letícia lived in Brazil for most of her life, but the rest of the world was visible. She lived for a while in Belgium and Spain and for a longer period in France for a master’s degree. Then Letícia decided to move again. “I chose the Netherlands because I knew that culture is very open here. There are many opportunities here for knowledge migrants and almost everyone speaks English. That makes it easier to integrate.”
“I like to capture the seasons.”
Letícia feels at home in the Netherlands and is happy with her flexible work, so she would like to continue living here. “I like that Capgemini puts a lot of emphasis on self-care. For example, you get the freedom to exercise during your lunch hour, if your schedule allows, and the weekends are really free. This now gives me much more time to take pictures. I like to capture the seasons, because there are not so many differences in Brazil. “
At Capgemini, Letícia hopes to continue growing and developing her role. And whatever the future brings her, one thing is certain: “I want to maintain this healthy and pleasant balance between work and private life. Because as we say in Portuguese: O segredo é o equilibrio – the secret is balance. “
2024-11-23 18:57:00
#Working #good #solution