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Workers Reject Extended Emergency PPKM, Except….


The Association of Indonesian Workers’ Unions (Aspect Indonesia) rejected the plan to impose an Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) which was reportedly extended until the end of July 2021. Unless the government is ready to provide assistance to the community.

“Don’t extend the Emergency PPKM, unless the government is ready to provide adequate food assistance to the affected lower middle class people,” said the President of the Indonesian Aspect, Mirah Sumirat in a written statement quoted by detikcom, Monday (19/7/2021).

Mirah said that the Emergency PPKM, which has been in effect since July 3, 2021, has had an impact on the people’s economy drastically decreasing. Many companies have difficulty in doing business, thus threatening the occurrence of a ‘tsunami’ of termination of employment (PHK).

“Even if companies don’t lay off workers, many companies lay off their workers and don’t pay wages as they should. In the end, because they no longer have income, people will experience poverty and hunger,” he said.

The middle class community is also said to be affected by the Emergency PPKM because some have been laid off and have their wages cut. “You can imagine, if the middle class has started to struggle, what about the people in the lower class? The government must really prepare and distribute food aid if it wants to extend the Emergency PPKM,” he asked.

On that basis, Mirah asked the government to provide assistance to protect the right to health and a decent life for all people if the Emergency PPKM was extended. The following is requested:

1. Provide food assistance for all people affected by the pandemic, including the lower middle class and the elderly.

2. Provide wage subsidies for all affected people, including for victims of layoffs, laid-off workers and workers whose wages are not paid.

3. Provide social assistance and capital for peda

the affected small and medium enterprises.

4. Provide tuition assistance for children whose parents are affected by the COVID pandemic.

5. Provide subsidies for the cost of medical examinations to workers, especially for antigen swabs and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). This is because many companies ask their workers to carry out antigen swabs and PCR independently or at their own expense.

“The COVID-9 pandemic and all its impacts are indeed very heavy, but the government is still obliged to be able to protect all its people from falling into poverty and experiencing hunger,” concluded Mirah.


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