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Workers on the street: Severance pay is our red line!

Turkish-İş and DİSK made a press release in 81 provinces against the request to change the severance payment system under the name of the complementary pension system. statements in Ankara, “Do not touch my severance pay” message when exporting, Turkey emphasized that workers installed on the problems in the economy. Unions said, “The invoice is issued to the worker. Our right to severance pay is asked to be put on the table. Attempts to impose a more flexible working order. We do not accept any of these. ”

With the complementary pension system (TES) announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türk-İş and DİSK issued a press release in 81 provinces against the severance pay to be transferred to the fund. Both confederations gave the message “Don’t touch my severance pay”.

Reacting to the regulation that the government wants to bring in the press release held in front of the Türk-İş Headquarters, Türk Metal Union Ankara Head of Branch No.3 Nihat Zengin said, “Employees over the age of 25 and over 50 are brought to work more flexibly and severance pay is eliminated. The severance pay is removed and the complementary pension system is replaced. But there is no shared draft, only the news in the media. Social partners do not have any requests for changes. There is no agreement between the social partners on this matter. ”

Underlining that the solution is sought in the workers to overcome the economic problems, Zengin said, “The invoice is issued to the worker. Our right to severance pay is asked to be put on the table. Attempts to impose a more flexible working order. We do not accept any of these ”.


DİSK President Arzu Çerkezoğlu said, “The severance pay is our red line! If our severance pay is extended, this march, which started today, will turn into general strikes, general resistance!”

DİSK Presidents’ Board’s final declaration regarding severance pay was read today with the participation of workers in 81 provinces and workplaces where DİSK is organized. DİSK executives, regional and workplace representatives made statements by participating in events in factories and workplaces all over the country.

DİSK President Arzu Çerkezoğlu met with the workers at the Beşiktaş Municipality Science Works Garage at 12:00, Secretary General Adnan Serdaroğlu at Izmit KordSA and Vice President Remzi Çalışkan at the Izmir Konak Square.


A statement was also made in front of DİSK’s Ankara Regional Office in the Capital. Kani Beko, CHP İzmir Deputy and former DISK Chairman, also supported the action. DİSK Ankara Regional Representative Tayfun Görgün emphasized that while the government should assist the workers in the coronavirus process, they would not allow the slightest loss of rights in the severance pay: “Our severance pay is the benefit we have accumulated in our piggy bank. It is the future of our children. ”

Social Business President Mustafa Aguş read the joint press statement and stated:

“Our severance pay under the name of Complementary Pension System is transferred to the fund, and the right to severance pay is aimed to be eliminated by extending flexible precarious employment, especially those under 25 and over 50.”

“While 82 million people struggle to survive under pandemic conditions, while we, as workers, struggle to protect our lives, our jobs and income, unemployment has broken records, those who run the country impose our severance pay and impose more flexible, safer, slave labor.”

The following text was read in all workplaces where DISK was organized:


initiatives for the working class of Turkey is a period of nearly ninety years that have gotten the most radical right has accelerated the elimination of severance pay. As a 45-year dream of capital and governments, it is played with the “nerve endings” of the working class in order to realize the targets in all policy documents from the 11th Development Plan to the New Economic Program and the “recommendations” in all the reports of the IMF.

On the one hand, our severance pay under the name of Complementary Retirement System is transferred to the fund, and on the other hand, the right to severance pay is aimed to be eliminated by expanding flexible-precarious employment, especially for employees under 25 and over 50.

While 82 million people struggle to survive in pandemic conditions, while we, as workers, struggle to protect our lives, jobs and income, unemployment has broken records, those who run the country are handing our severance pay and imposing more flexible, more precarious, slave labor.


The DİSK Presidents Board, as a whole, sees the accumulated anger of the working class and the determination to repel these attacks and expresses the will to transform this determination into an organized force against all those who try to seize the rights of all unionized and non-unionized workers.

In addition, the “negotiations” held behind closed doors, without operating mechanisms such as the Constitutional Economic Economic Council, a legal institution, the Trilateral Advisory Board, with some information leaked to the newspaper corners of such an important process, without operating the defined mechanisms of working life, which is a dynamic process. it is unacceptable to discuss.

DISK, whose government concerns almost all of the society when we think with our families, and calls for the severance pay, which is the future of our children, in a transparent manner in front of the whole society and workers, has initiated the necessary work in the workplaces for a dental struggle against this great danger that concerns the entire working class.

Those who dream of futile dreams like ignoring DİSK and implementing these impositions must draw lessons from history: DİSK is the objection, will and hope of the working class. And by ignoring the mechanisms of dialogue established in accordance with the laws and Constitution of this country, that objection and will, which the government does not want to hear, will flow from the workplaces to the streets, squares and disrupt the accounts of those who try to establish games behind closed doors. DISK will continue to be the flag of the just and determined resistance of the working class.


Any attempt to eliminate, constrict, prune, severance, and deprive certain segments of the working class from this right will be met with resistance.

There are no plans to negotiate plans to remove severance pay from being an employer’s responsibility, to terminate the job security basis, to facilitate layoffs, to give employers arbitrariness in the business process, to reduce the amount of severance pay by disconnecting from the last wage. Funding means confiscating our severance pay, accumulated labor and our future.

The only thing to be talked about about severance pay is to strengthen and strengthen the existing system, to make an arrangement where all workers will receive severance pay including the resignation, and when the employers do not provide severance pay to the workers, the state will have the rule of law.

DISK Presidents Board once again reveals its determination and will and warns the power: Severance pay is our red line! The “red line” means the area that cannot be crossed and the working class will not allow the severance pay to be touched in one way or another.


Severance pay is entrusted to us by our children! To claim severance pay is to protect our labor, our future and our country.

DİSK Presidents Board underlines the need to initiate initiatives to carry this struggle with the honor of shoulder shoulders, together with all the labor and democracy forces, especially other workers’ confederations, labor and professional organizations.

Highlighting the sensitivity of the working class about severance pay, the determination to carry the workplace actions, walks, squares, resistance, strikes and a dental struggle as an organized and determined will, the DİSK Presidents Board will bring the action calendar to be announced in the coming days together with all our unions. declares that he is ready to spend.

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