Injured truckers may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits
In the Cape Fear area, throughout southeastern North Carolina, and across the state, our law firm is a trusted, results-focused resource for injured truckers and other hardworking people.
We have an experienced and compassionate legal team ready to help you seek the compensation you need to pay medical bills and replace lost wages if you have suffered a back injury, head injury, arm or leg injury, or any other injury that prevents you from driving.
Understand the needs and legal options of injured truckers
The caring professionals at Christina Rivenbark and Associates understand the many risks of working as a local or over-the-road delivery truck driver. We want to help you obtain the financial compensation you need to recover as fully as possible if you were injured:
- In the event of a collision, rollover, or other truck accident, even if you are found at fault for the accident.
- Loading or unloading goods from your truck, or while performing any other work task
It is important to know that even if you work as an independent contractor or owner/operator in the trucking industry, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if you were injured on the job. With over 20 years of experience as an attorney for injured truckers, our lead attorney Christina Rivenbark & Associates can explain North Carolina workers’ compensation law and how it applies to you.
Hold insurance companies and others responsible for damages suffered
Additionally, we will know what to do if someone other than your employer caused your injuries through negligence or recklessness. We have a track record of success taking action for victims of:
- Car accidents and truck accidents in North Carolina and primarily in our region, from Raleigh and Greenville to Fayetteville and Whiteville; Wallace and Jacksonville to Bolivia and points in between.
- All types of work-related injuries you may have suffered as a truck driver or other transportation worker, including spinal cord injuries, brain damage, fractures, sprains, and other disabling problems.
To talk openly about your medical problems and financial challenges with a patient, practical Wilmington injured trucker attorney, please call 910-251-8080 or contact online today.
2024-01-09 05:00:39
#Wilmington #Injured #Trucker #Attorney #Workers #Comp #truckers