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Work stoppage at Vision 2000 to demand the release of Lorthé

The journalists assigned to the newsroom of Radio Vision 2000 have decided to observe a work stoppage, from this Friday, February 17, in order to demand the release of their collaborator, Jean Thony Lorthé. The press worker has been held captive by bandits since February 3.

The journalists of the radio station located in Lalue declare themselves deeply worried by the kidnapping followed by the sequestration of Jean Thony Lorthé for 15 days.

What’s worse, his captors are becoming more and more intransigent about the ransom demanded.

On the strength of this observation, Lorthé’s colleagues will begin a work stoppage, from this Friday, to denounce this act and to demand the release of their collaborator.

The presenter of the Creole newspaper “Rafrechi memwa” on the station broadcasting on 99.3 FM was kidnapped along with two of his relatives in Laboule 12.

Associations of journalists, associations of media owners and political activists are constantly calling for the release of the hostages who, they claim, do not have the means requested by the kidnappers.

Journalists had taken to the streets in Port-au-Prince and Gonaïves on February 14 to demand that the kidnappers release the press worker and his two relatives.

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