Home » today » News » Work on Landesstraße L 60 (Fabrikenstraße) in the local area of ​​Groß-Siegharts has started

Work on Landesstraße L 60 (Fabrikenstraße) in the local area of ​​Groß-Siegharts has started

Measures are important for road safety

St. Polten (OTS) The roadway of the state road L 60 in the Groß-Siegharts area no longer met today’s traffic requirements due to the damage that had occurred. For this reason, the Lower Austrian road service and the municipality of Groß-Sieghart have decided on the one hand to renovate the L 60 over a length of 340 meters and to rebuild the sidewalks and on the other hand at the intersection with the L 8049 Fistritzer Straße and Fraslgasse, to build a left turn lane where there is a high accident rate. Furthermore, with the construction of a new central island in the area of ​​the crossing of the Thayaradrunde, traffic safety for cyclists will be increased. A total of 335,000 euros are planned here, with around 200,000 euros going to the state of Lower Austria and around 135,000 euros to the municipality of Groß-Siegharts. The work will be completed by the Raabs road maintenance department and by construction and delivery companies in the region by September.

Due to the work required, the L 60 state road must be closed in the construction site area, which will be divided into two construction phases. In the first phase (since May 8th), the work will be carried out from the Silostrasse intersection to just before the intersection with Fistritzer Strasse. The signposted detour takes place via Ellends and Schönfeld. In the second construction phase, the time of the total closure is set in such a way that it does not start until the beginning of the summer holidays. Coming from Fistritz and Aigen, the diversion takes place via the L 52 – Aigen – L 55 – Weinern – Sieghartsles – Groß-Siegharts as well as coming from Ellends via the L 60 Ellends – L 8038 – Schönfeld – L 55 – Groß-Siegharts. During the entire construction period, access to Tina’s Imbiss is possible via Raabser Straße and Hamerlingstraße, with access to the warehouse only being possible via Bahnhofstraße and Silostraße during the entire construction period.

More information from the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government, Lower Austria Road Service, Gerhard Fichtinger, telephone 02742/9005-60141, email gerhard.fichtinger@noel.gv.at

Questions & contact:

Office of the Lower Austrian provincial government
State Office Directorate/Public Relations
Ing. Mag. John Seiter

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