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Work in France: what vacancies and salaries are offered to Ukrainians without knowledge of the language

Where to look for work for Ukrainians in France: useful resources

Ukrainians with temporary protection in France automatically receive the right to work – they can work for hire or engage in entrepreneurial activity.

New arrivals can find all the useful information about settling in the country and job search options on the page ukrainefrance.org – including links to Telegram groups for Ukrainians in more than 250 cities and regions of the country.

You can find a job on the website employment center pole emploi, which has the largest number of vacancies in the country. They may offer French language courses. Also popular and useful resources:

Photo: Job interview (unsplash.com)

When searching for vacancies, you should take into account that the salary in advertisements is indicated before deductions (gross) – in person (net) the employee will receive approximately 25% less. The minimum wage per hour in France is 11.27 euros (8.92 euros in hand), per month with a 35-hour work week – 1709.28 euros (1353.07 euros in hand).

What jobs are offered to Ukrainians without knowledge of the language?

As in other European countries, without knowledge of the language, the most vacancies are in the service sector (hotel maids, cleaning, help in restaurant kitchens) and seasonal work (for example, harvesting in gardens or camping workers). According to the website fr.indeed.com, without knowing the language, you can get a job in a warehouse (10.98 euros/hour), as a seamstress (10.26 euros/hour), or as a cleaner (10.78 euros/hour). Also – a cook (monthly salary 1829 euros), a gardener (2045 euros).

Photo: Warehouse work (gettyimages.com)

At the same time, job offers for Ukrainians can be found in Facebook groups – for example, “Ukrainians in France”, “France, Paris – Work”, “Ukrainians in France/Work France” and the like.

Among the job offers in social networks are the following:

  • champignon collectors in the city of Pont – without knowledge of the language and experience. The average salary is 1800-2200 euros per month. For housing you will need to pay 260 euros per month;
  • hairdresser-colorist and manicurist in a beauty salon in the center of Cannes. They promise “high, stable earnings”;
  • housekeeper for the family – for cleaning, washing, ironing, preparing regular food. Salary 1800 euros per month;
  • Live-in nanny for a Ukrainian family – care for two children. Salary 2500 euros;
  • workers in a vegetable warehouse – 12.1-13.5 euros/hour (2150 euros per month).

There are also many vacancies on job search sites without knowledge of French. In particular, on layboard.com you can find a vacancy for a confectionery factory worker with a salary of 2400-2700 euros, depending on the hours worked.

Photo: Cleaning job (gettyimages.com)

Or – a cook for a family with accommodation. For preparing dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisine 6 days a week, 1600-2000 euros per month are offered.

On the website eurabota.ua there are vacancies in a baby food warehouse in Paris (with a salary of 2100-2300 euros per month) and a packer in a clothing workshop – with a salary of 2000-2400 euros.

2023-11-27 05:42:27
#Work #France #vacancies #salaries #offered #Ukrainians #knowledge #language

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