Home » today » Business » Work experience pensions – what next? Since when could they enter into force? This you must know! [6.11.2020]

Work experience pensions – what next? Since when could they enter into force? This you must know! [6.11.2020]

The presidential project on retirement pensions assumes that after working for a certain number of years, women and men could retire without waiting for the retirement age. From when could the retirement pensions come into force? See the latest information.

Some time ago, the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, proposed a new form of retirement. By using the so-called the retirement pension, it would be sufficient to have sufficient length of service to qualify for a pension. According to the project, it would be:

  • 35 years for women
  • 40 years for men

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New pensions – seniority will decide, not age. See, c …

Switching to the so-called an internship pension would be a privilege, that is, it would be voluntary. Since the amount of the pension still depends on the accumulated capital, everyone who wants to have a higher pension should look not only for his age, but also capital accumulated from contributionson the basis of which ZUS will calculate the amount of his monthly pension.

What do we know so far about internship pensions? Will they come into force? You can find the latest information in our gallery.

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