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Work Demonstration in Riot iPhone Factory, China Lockdown City of Zhengzhou


The Chinese government has decided to block or block the city of Zhengzhou. This is done as the workers queue iphone riot demonstrations are held in the city.

The riot came as workers at the iPhone factory protested they still had to work amid high COVID-19 cases at the factory. Workers are known to not even work according to proper health protocols.

The blockade was carried out with various conditions for Zhenghzhou City residents who wanted to leave the city. The condition is that to leave the city, you must take a COVID-19 test. Furthermore, there must also be permission from the authorities

“And advised not to leave their homes unless necessary,” the city government said, quoted by CNA, on Thursday (11/24/2022).

The blockade will last five days from midnight this Friday. In this way, the policy will lock up about 6 million inhabitants in the city.

The government advisory letter issued Wednesday evening (11/23) also requires residents in eight regencies to take a nucleic acid test every day during the five-day period.

For information, factory iphone which is in Zhenghzhou owned by Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn. The factory work is known to be under COVID-19 restrictions for more than a month due to the increase in COVID-19 cases.

The Zhengzhou government said on Wednesday that the city’s epidemic was still severe. Cases in Zhengzhou recorded 675 new cases on Thursday. Meanwhile, the daily tally of COVID-19 cases in China reached a record high on Thursday at 31,454.


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