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words of readers, here are your first testimonies

“Confined, caregivers, teleworkers, readers … Tell us about your new daily life, your hopes, your anxieties, your good plans, your home …” Since Saturday March 21, “Sud Ouest” gives you the floor to continue being close of you, of your expectations, through an online form.

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Upon reading your first feedback, your words, dear readers, moved us, challenged us, made us realize that the unwavering bond between a newspaper and its readers must continue, tirelessly, despite this troubled and uncertain period. The editorial team thanks those who participated, and encourages those who want to do so.

Here, we will make a selection of these comforting words, these rants too, your carefree, worried and sincere postcards, at the time of confinement. Good reading, and above all take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Saturday March 21 and Sunday March 22, 2020

Emma, ​​Ondres (Landes)

“I am a midwife in the hospital and the single mother of a 10-year-old girl. It is not easy to organize to do school week work and it is difficult to ensure full-time work in a climate of anxiety.

“In my service 100% of the caregivers answered present”

Yes, we are afraid, we are trained to heal people, not to take risks for our lives by going to heal them. In my department, 100% of the caregivers answered present, the requests for additional penalties for the Covid-19 were completed within two hours. The schools are doing what they can to accommodate our children, but as much to tell you that an opening from 9 am to 4.30 pm is not enough. So my daughter stays alone at home with her anguish that mom is dying as she tells me, waiting for mom to come home and no hugs before impeccable hygiene. The rest days, I am so happy to spend them at home confined. People don’t realize how lucky they are to be in confinement … Thank you to everyone who supports me in my daily life, school, friends, family. All that makes it possible to sort through these relationships too, some that I thought close did not manifest knowing me alone with my daughter and at work … But ultimately all that learns to know who we can count on. Let’s enjoy life, let’s take advantage of our loved ones, this test will make us stronger !!!! “

Marie-Hélène, Eymet (Dordogne)

I had to put up a poster in front of my veterinary practice to explain to potential clients that they should stay at home, if they have a garden, they don’t have to walk their dog. The majority behave well and a few absurd things screw up everything. I live on the country-side.

Yves, Bordeaux (Gironde)

“It is … 7:25 am … no, no 11:25 am … time is running out … it is Saturday, Monday, Sunday … we are on vacation … no, we are confined and our beaches are deserted! Taking care of our loved ones is important but this virus is an error code in our lives! Hopefully we will come to an end and that we will be able to resume an almost normal activity… See you soon! “

Claudia, Tosse (Landes)

Parents quadras of a little boy we can, if we get out of it, tell our grandchildren our war against this invisible enemy. Confinement teaches us every day to draw on our resources, patience, imagination, and above all love. We will not get out of it unharmed, for sure, but in any case grow, I hope, with the essentials in mind.

Marcelle, Bordeaux (Gironde)

“Hello, I live this confinement in a somewhat particular way because I have the impression of going back 18 months. I was hospitalized for long months following a stroke which affected me while I was For me, outings, eating out with friends and social life are over. I was locked up in my rehabilitation center from which I could only go out for medical appointments and weekends.

“As long as you have the health and love of your loved ones”

Today, this confinement I approach as a kind of turning back but it is much more pleasant. I have my spouse, my business, my phone, I can move around in my apartment while a year ago I was no longer walking. I learned with the disease to take advantage of the small pleasures of life and to consider what really matters and I hope that this new situation will allow people to understand this. As long as you have the health and love of your loved ones, everything can only go well. Take care of yourself !”

Vanessa, Bergerac (Dordogne)

Hello, for my part, I am not in confinement because the factory where I work is not closed. I am still afraid of this virus, I too would like to be confined as some, and who do not respect confinement. PLEASE STAY AT HOME.

Catherine, Bègles (Gironde)

“I am a host family, with a teenager of 14 years old. Another one I raised but still very dependent, came back to live at home, alone in her apartment, she could not bear this confinement, her loneliness So I work 24 hours a day at home, no more family relays to breathe, I replace the shrink, the educators and the teachers.

“Our goal is to protect these kids on a daily basis”

Namely, that these foster children are normally very disturbed, in great difficulty. This confinement gives scope to their trauma, their behavior is sometimes even more difficult to manage. I take advantage of this article so that we, host families, educators, referents, are not forgotten, isolated. Our goal is to protect these kids on a daily basis, but today there is an added danger. I hope that all the unconscious, finally realize, the importance of what is asked of us, to survive this virus. If isolation is a weapon, let’s respect it. “

Monique, Prignac-et-Marcamps (Gironde)

“Confined alone with my dog, a hundred percent, in the countryside I decided to hold a maximum of time without going out, I had made no provision beforehand. I have no more bread, yesterday I have some I made but I used my remaining flour, I will always have something else to eat, I have no egg I tried pancake batter without eggs… as long as I have something to eat I will not go out, I keep the best, a lobster tail in the freezer or the only foie gras for the end, because I will have to compensate with pleasure this confinement which will have become difficult.

“If there weren’t all these sick people, these dead people, this worry I would say that I am happy because I keep my morale

I think I will last another 15 days, the weather is good I am busy, I have contacts by phone or social networks, I read you, I listen to the radio, I watch TV, if there were not all these patients, these dead, this anxiety, I would say that I am happy because I keep my spirits up. I live on the edge of the 669, I am terrified to see so many cars circulating, the friends who call me will go get their bread every day, do their shopping or at the Saint-André market this morning, go for walks in the woods, they didn’t understand! Health professionals, road users or those who work it is already a lot of people, thank you very much but do not multiply the risk factors for its spread. The time will come when I have to go out, I will not let myself die either, but it will be only once and again I may find a way to have it delivered. A shame when I hear on the radio the exponential increase in basic necessities. I care about the lives of those I love and about my own life, I stay at home. “

Guillaume, Saint-Pierre-du-Mont (Landes)

The days are filled with telework. Teacher in college, I ensure pedagogical continuity with my colleagues and we try to keep as much contact with students as possible, reassure them, and spread the message: STAY AT HOME! The rest of the time, the usual routine: garden, cleaning, readings…

Christopher, Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)

“I had finally found a job despite 8 months of unemployment and 2 months of training. I am in a small 30m², alone, with not a lot of money, which means that I normally eat pasta. But there , impossible to find. In addition, with partial unemployment, I do not really know how I will manage to survive if the crisis lasts too long … But hey it is not that the most important because this story only concerns me…

“Yet it was not for want of walking the streets to warn the government that we were short of staff”

Despite everything, I try to find actions to be able to help the caregivers, the truckers and the cashiers who are currently on the front line of the virus… Alas it is a great feeling of uselessness which overwhelms me because few actions are possible. I remain helpless to wait for everything to settle down, for a hospital employee to contact me for volunteering, to go shopping or to keep a little one, but nothing happens and the numbers go up … For my part, that’s the hardest part , knowing that many are risking their lives while I’m on my couch watching series, and waiting for time to pass… Yet it was not for lack of walking the streets to warn the government that we were short of staff, but that still, that’s another story … “

Laëtitia, Pessac (Gironde)

Work for my part. On sale in bakeries, it is quite stressful but people respect the safety distance enough despite a very large crowd. A little anxious anyway despite the precautions that we take for us and the customers. Wearing gloves, disinfection all the time, gestures to assimilate and a lot of concentration to have.

Joël, Mugron (Landes)

“I read, I see and I hear reports or interviews of people who have to telecommute and babysit their children at the same time! I would like to be asked to stop complaining. They are very happy to have fresh products, milk, eggs… Because farmers, although today GPS offers working comfort, cannot stay on the sofa with the children and work remotely.

“When people stop looking at the navel …”

But maybe the vegetables are growing thanks to a smartphone app. When people stop looking at the navel, they’ll see that there’s always a worse off than them. I have friends of farmers and ranchers who had to review their entire organization of work with containment and more there will be the land to prepare and sow. So telework, they’re sick of hearing that word. They have no other choice. They have to go to the farm every day for well over 35 hours a week and babysit. ”

Naïa, Urcuit (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)

With us, confinement rhymes with “spring cleaning”. The whole house goes there, young and old get their hands dirty… Outside of school hours of course…

Jean-Pierre, Pessac (Gironde)

“3:40 am, my sleep was interrupted and my brain resumed all its activity in the same instant with a fixed idea, the indestructible Covid-19 immediately occupies all of my neurons. In this suspended time, while day 3 is barely taking shape, I am at the rendezvous of an incredible observation of helplessness in the face of the excess that overwhelms me. How in such a short time have we gone from all to nothing? My country stopped suddenly, as never before has its history shown.

“My France, is the victim of a major and evolving lurch”

The impressive economic, social and political watchmaking that makes it what it is, with its good and bad sides, this country, my France, is the victim of a major and evolving lurch which I dare not assess in this morning giving birth to the degree of harmfulness. In this far too early hour, anxiety takes up too much space for the night to redeposit on me its mantle of sleep and anesthetize my soul with its protective effect. Unless you count the sheep, but your heart is not there, the night will be long! “

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