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Wood sextet purifies the mind / Day

Music. Saturday and Sunday, January 8 and 9, in Ventspils Concert Hall Latvia with an opus by the American composer Michael Gordon Timber The performance project of Katrīna Neiburga and Andris Eglītis will end Frequency. The percussion ensemble will interpret the work of Michael Gordon in five concerts that will be available to a limited audience. Wood sextet (Guntars Freibergs, Mikus Bāliņš, Elvijs Endelis, Ernests Mediņš, Reinis Tomiņš and Edgars Zaurs). The hour-long work premiered in 2011 Timber written for six identical wooden percussion instruments or “simantras”. The composer intends this opus as a journey in the desert, where a special feeling – the need to survive in harsh conditions – purifies the mind and evokes visions. Visitors to the concert will be able to experience an installation by Katrīna Neiburga and Andris Eglītis Frequency, created from Christmas trees in the Small Hall of the Concert Hall.


Ventspils Concert Hall Latvia 8.I at 14, 16.30 and 19, 9.I at. 12 and 14.30

Tickets Ticket paradises in the network EUR 10


Concert. On Saturday, January 8, a concert of the Latvian Radio Choir will take place in Liepaja in honor of Orthodox Christmas. Conducted by Sigvards Kļava, Peter Tchaikovsky’s monumental St. Liturgy of Jānis Zeltamutes. The recording of this work by the Latvian Radio Choir, released by the company Ondine in 2019, has earned glorious reviews and awards around the world. The concert will also feature Byzantine songs in Latvian. They have been arranged by Andrejs Selickis, regent and composer of the Latvian Orthodox Church.

Latvian Radio Choir

Liepāja Concert Hall Great amber 8.I at 18

Tickets Ticket paradises in the network EUR 10-20


Concert. The Christmas Festival of the Dzintari Concert Hall will be closed on Friday, January 7, by the Latvian Radio Choir conducted by Sigvards Kļava. The program includes works by Georgian Sviridov and Alexander Grečaninov, great greats of Russian sacred music.

Latvian Radio Choir

Dzintari Concert Hall 7.I at. 19

Tickets Ticket paradises in the network EUR 15


View from the surround music adventure in the concert hall Cesis. Photo – Liene Leonoviča

Experiment. Concert hall Cesis invites to a surround music event In the middle – In the middle of the large hall there is a room equipped with a surround sound concert system. Especially for this event, composers Plato Buravickis, Rolands Kronlaks, Linda Leimane, Mantauts Krukauskas and Mats Šablausks have created electroacoustic opuses, the reproduction of which will create a unique spatial dimension, and every listener will feel the sound contained.

In the middle

In the concert hall Cesis 6-9 p.m. 14, 15.30, 17.30 and 19

Tickets Ticket paradises in the network EUR 7


Premiere. Priit Pedajas, a classic of Estonian directing and a master of poetic theater, has staged a play for the whole family at the Daile Theater – a novel by Oscar Luts Spring. It is a heartfelt and humorous story about the author’s years in the village church school at the beginning of the 20th century. Spring It is recognized as the second most important literary work in Estonia, and its dramatization is the most staged theatrical work. In Estonia, everyone knows the novel, and in the village of Palamuse, where it takes place, every Estonian has to go at least once in their life. For the first time in Latvia In spring directed by Mick Mikiver in 1980 at the Youth Theater. The production has been shown more than 350 times and has made an indelible impression on a whole generation.


At the Daile Theater at 12, 13 I, 3, 4, 16 II, 23, 24. 19

Tickets Ticket paradises in the network EUR 12-35


What to do in Paris? Make love! View from the film of Jacques Odar Paris, 13th arrondissement. Publicity photo

Kino. The Cannes Film Festival can be seen in Latvian cinemas Golden palm branch film by the French director Jacques Odiar Paris, 13th arrondissement/The Olympics, which premiered at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. It is a contemporary love drama set in multicultural Paris, made up of episodes of varying degrees of intimacy from the lives of three main characters. The Eiffel Tower is not sung in the film, but there are quite a few sex scenes.

Paris, 13th arrondissement

Cinema Splendid Palace a Kino Us repertoire

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