GroenLinks alderman: ‘language does chafe’
You can probably still remember, after all, it was only a month ago that there was some commotion a month ago about bus shelters that were hung in the municipality of Eindhoven with the imprint ‘Erik and Annemarie will get the key tomorrow (Omar and Samira will not )’. A lot of Eriks and Annemaries who didn’t get a key about the piss at all, and a lot of Omars and Samiras who now got all kinds of less Christian reactions about the piss. Result: even more polarization between all the polarized stuff. But! We at the GeenStijl have wooted (this doesn’t sound, ed.) to some stones under these bus shelters and still found something nice.
It was already known that the posters were placed by the municipality of Eindhoven as part of a national campaign against housing discrimination in the rental market of the Ministry of the Interior. Very annoying of course, that discrimination, but in the meantime there is also something else going on on the social rental market, NAMELY THAT NO ONE CAN GET A HOUSE. And what do the documents reveal? There was some fuss about the delay in making the posters available because one of the communications officers was ill, and because the texts for the national campaign still had to be officially approved by the minister, in other words, none other than Hugo Mattheüs de Jonge. He may not have been involved in the campaign, but he was involved:
Striking contrast: GroenLinks alderman Samir (not to be confused with Samira, ed.) Toub of diversity, care, youth and social support already felt on December 5, or a month before the commotion, that the posters would cause bullshit. The documents contain minutes of a consultation in which the alderman says that next time he would rather opt for ‘connecting communication instead of looking for contradictions’. Are you reading Hugo de Jonge?
“connecting communication instead of looking for contradictions”
Bonus catch: in the week after the start of the campaign, it was not immediately a unanimously ridiculously great success. Anti-discrimination agency RADAR had received no less than 1 (in words: one) report on housing discrimination on 30 November.
Perhaps that has become even more so after the fuss in January. And then you will of course also receive the receipts from us, because this whole prank cost the Eindhoven taxpayer that sweet sum of money of 32,881.75 euros! You can rent Omar and Samira for two years in a nice apartment. Or Erik and Annemarie, of course.
Read the pieces yourself? Click here (municipality of Eindhoven) and here (municipality/BZK) and here (municipality/Radar) and here (invoices) and here (correspondence about press questions Omroep Brabant).
Begging request
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