Home » today » World » Won’t there finally be an end to errors in the MES exam materials? Forever!!! – 2024-08-24 04:36:51

Won’t there finally be an end to errors in the MES exam materials? Forever!!! – 2024-08-24 04:36:51

/ world today news/ This thought has been blowing me up for two days after the exam for Higher Education in Bulgarian language and literature on May 19, 2017. The number of years during which the main experts from the Ministry of Education and Culture and the compilers of the tests for higher education in this subject make outrageous mistakes!

For four years now, I have sounded the alarm about this with an immediate reaction, expressed in writing, after the publication of the tests for the VII grade exam, as well as the answers to the tasks in them, but … the mistakes do not stop. I sent my findings to three of the previous ministers, to the central press, and to the Internet. Result – none! The MES responded only when I wrote that “paradise lost” from Peyo Yavorov’s “Exiles” is a metonymy of the homeland, not a metaphor – that’s how they defined it in the “directions” for reflection on task 25. And now, the fifth year – again unforgivable mistakes! Yes! Even in the wording of task 15.:”Which word from the main sentence explains the first subordinate sentence?” It turns out that a word from the main clause clarifies the subordinate clause, not the other way around!

In the first of the sample “directions” for reflection on the verse “Bulgaria is all now watching!” from “Shipka’s Soldiers” is written with a capital letter “Fatherland”. Apparently, the MES do not know that this nickname is written with a lowercase letter. Only in a particularly elevated, emotionally saturated speech can it be written with a capital letter. For the stylistic use of a capital letter, officials from the Ministry of Education and Science can refer to the “Official Spelling Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language”, p. 49, item 50.3.

The third of these “directions” is: “display of military honor”. Do seventh graders know what “military honor” is? Did the militiamen know it too? Bulgaria has not had an army for five centuries! Militiamen are volunteers, not a trained military unit! The authors of the test should check the dictionary meaning of the word “soldier” in the “Bulgarian Dictionary”. There is not a word in the “directions” that the quoted verse contains the first words of the collective monologue in which the voice of the nameless defenders of “that high peak” is heard. With the metonymy “Bulgaria whole”, Vazov emphasizes the patriotic duty realized by the “young squads”, because the Bulgarian people are closely following their selfless struggle. Not only the achievement of the ideal – freedom, but also the outcome of the war depends on their victory. This thought is suggested by the metaphor “we are looking”. However, in the “directions” there is not a single word about the metaphorical verb “looks”. He spoke eloquently about the love of freedom preserved over the centuries of the yoke. And another thing: how can the five “directions for reflection” reasoning fit into 2-3 sentences? Which of these can the students not write about and get 6 points?

In the vicious exam format introduced 2 years ago for the Bulgarian language and literature HEV exam in the VII grade, the literature tasks were supposed to be 9, but this year they are 7. Why? Mastering which language norms are checked by the following tasks: 2.,3.,4.,5.,6.? All spelling, punctuation, grammar and lexical norms are taught up to grade VII inclusive. Since the exam format does not require a complete check of their mastery, do Bulgarian children have the motivation to master them? Are Bulgarian language teachers also motivated to teach them in good faith? And you have to!!! For Bulgarians to be literate for life! The written word is the intellectual business card of each of us!

Without hesitation, I declare that the proposed text for a retelling on behalf of a character in the work “The Battle of the Hedgehogs” by the Mormarevi Brothers was unsuccessfully selected. How would the first paragraph of this extract be retold in the past perfect tense? God forbid he is too small to penetrate the thoughts of six children / he is the seventh /! Do the MES know, or at least suspect, how many seventh-graders /and their parents!/ live with the worry that this is their disaster in the exam? Taken out of the context of the entire work, this text is unsuitable for the performance of the didactic task.

The question of the date of this exam in class VII is also extremely urgent. Until May 15, the teachers taught all the learning content in a mad gallop, because it is included in the knowledge test with the HEI. The student workload was appalling. What will they and their teachers be doing in class for another month until the end of the school year – June 15? It is very interesting what the teachers have foreseen in their annual calendar-thematic allocations for the remaining period after the exam?! What will be the goal-setting in their lessons to motivate the children to work in class, to gain their attention and activate their thinking? With this exam for seventh graders, the learning process has already ended. They frankly share that after entering the class, the teachers told them: “Do whatever you want, but quietly!” Years ago, this exam was held on June 18 – three days after the end of the school year.

And … one more thing: proof of the illiteracy of the compilers of the test for DZI on May 19, 2017 in Bulgarian language and literature is also the instruction for the third module: “Write the argumentative text in the scroll for free answers in the place provided!” Isn’t it scandalous that the agreed definition of the addition “text” is articled with a full article? This is another argument that the members of the commission for compiling the examination tests in Bulgarian language and literature should be thrown out of it! Their outrages must finally be put to an end! Forever!!!

A word

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