By Solène V
In theaters on December 13, Wonka is eagerly awaited by the public. The film with Timothée Chalamet has also received initial reviews… So, what does that mean?

Wonka, it’s probably one of the most anticipated films of the year 2023. But then, who knows? Wonka completely takes over the universe of Charlie and the chocolate factory to explore another avenue: that of Willy Wonka, a fictional character from the original 1964 novel. In the parent work, he is described as a short man with “a small black goatee cut into a point” and an “clear and fluent voice”. Over the years, numerous film adaptations of Charlie and the chocolate factory have seen the day. The first, in 1971, which presented the famous chocolatier as “rather tall and relatively young, not appearing to be over forty”. Finally, in the 2005 film, he is “very tall and slender”, with brown hair. Hey, that reminds us of someone…
You will have understood, over the course of the adaptations, the description of Willy Wonka in the novel, was less and less faithful. Cinema has thus completely reinvented the character. To achieve a result in 2023: the incarnation of Timothée Chalamet. A true rising star of cinema, the Franco-American actor has shown the extent of his talent in several successful films. We will cite in particular Call Me By Your Name or Dunewhose second opus is expected in 2024. But then, what can we expect from the darling of Kylie Jenner In Wonka ? Does this wacky and mischievous character stick to him? One thing is certain, the public can’t wait to see what happens… See you on December 13 in cinemas! In the meantime, for those who are more impatient, it is still possible to consult the first reviews.
Wonkatop ou flop ?
All the lights are green! In fact, after the preview of Wonka in London this Tuesday, November 28, the film received initial notices and reviews which are, for the moment, very positive. We can thus read from the English press or Internet users on the web: “Wonka confirms Timothée Chalamet as one of the greatest actors on the rise. He is magnetic, charming and walks the fine line between naivety and intelligence admirably.. The film is full of charm, joy and hope. It’s the perfect Christmas movie. Which definitely has rewatch potential ». Or : “Wonka is a winning confection, filled with the perfect amount of charm, whimsy and emotion, fueled by pure imagination and bright, vivid musical numbers. Timothée Chalamet is a charisma factory. His total commitment is intoxicating. Hugh Grant is exceptional in Nothing to Give a Fuck ». By “delicious confectionery”, “outstanding performance” et “endearing”, Timothée Chamalet was able to seduce a large part of the public with Wonka. To form your own opinion, see you on December 13!
2023-11-29 15:51:58
#Wonka #Timothée #Chalamet #reviews