ThBollywood actress Raveena Tandon opens up about body shaming and career-ruining gossip against her. The actress said that in the 90s, she used to be teased by calling her many names and it was a bad trend. Raveena also says that the biggest enemy of women was another woman. The actress’ response was in an interview given to ANI.
These are the words of Raveena Tandon
I was called a lot of names and teased about my body parts in the 90s. I didn’t care about that at all. Not yet. But it is a very bad trend. Gossip magazines were the worst of the 90s. Some of the women themselves are women’s worst enemies, women shamers, women who will do anything to bring another woman down. Today they are walking as big feminists. Wondering when that happened. Female news editors fall in love with actors. The star actors had their last words. If a leading actor wants to oust an actress from the industry, he will insult the woman and write bad articles about them in magazines. It will ruin their career. Eventually, new issues of the same magazine would read, ‘Story published earlier proved untrue’. And who will read it? Earlier headlines would have become big news by then.
Last Updated Feb 7, 2023, 11:48 AM IST