The The upcoming season of women’s football in England may bring some well deserved situations for some equipment, specifically for Arsenal.
What are we talking about? Simple, her great performances in the Womens Super League (what would become the Premier League in women’s soccer) they could catapult them to better stadiums.
Women’s Arsenal is one of the best teams in the Womens Super Leaguesince the English league has that name (2011), las Gunners they have won three championships.
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Arsenal women’s WSL champions in 2019 – Photo: Getty Images
” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” loading=”lazy” width=”1024″ height=”670″ alt=”El Arsenal femenil campeones de la WSL en 2019″ class=”wp-image-1592799″ srcset=” 1024w, ?resize=300,196 300w, ?resize=768,503 768w, ?resize=870,570 870w, ?resize=400,262 400w” sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”/>
But, although they have not achieved as many titles as Chelsea or has lost ground to Manchester City among the clubs fighting for second placethe response from people in London has been fantastic.
The fans are still hooked on women’s Arsenal and this season (2022-2023), a few attendance records were recorded, when the team played at the Emirates Stadiumhouse of the Gunners by Mikel Arteta.
There were three games that the women’s Arsenal played at the Emirates Stadiumone of them was against Tottenham at the Emirates Stadium and the fans achieved a record capacity of 47,367 people.
Besides that the women’s Champions League semifinal was also played at the home of the Gunnersparty in which 60 thousand 63 fans attended al arsenal.
Hence, Women’s Arsenal would increase to five the games that would be played at the Emirates Stadium for the following season, which may not increase much, but it is a big step for women’s soccer.
According The Athletic, If the women’s Arsenal manages to qualify for the Champions League of the following campaign,The three group stage matches would be played at the Emirates.
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Record attendance at the Emirates Stadium for the women’s Arsenal – Photo: Getty Images
” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” loading=”lazy” width=”1024″ height=”683″ alt=”Récord de asistencia en el Emirates Stadium del Arsenal femenil” class=”wp-image-1592803″ srcset=” 1024w, ?resize=300,200 300w, ?resize=768,512 768w, ?resize=400,267 400w” sizes=”(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px”/>
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2023-05-11 00:46:20
#Womens #Arsenal #play #games #Emirates #Stadium #season