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Women without contributing to Infonavit will access credit

Mexico City, March 8. With the aim of guaranteeing women’s right to adequate housing, the Institute of the National Workers’ Housing Fund (Infonavit), through the Infonavit Account + Bank Credit scheme, provides the opportunity to 16 million 629 thousand 646 non-active beneficiaries to access a mortgage and begin to build their assets.

This financing, launched in November 2021 in coordination with five banking institutions (Banorte, BBVA, HSBC, Santander and Scotiabank), allows those women who no longer contribute to the Institute because they stopped working for a company as salaried employees, to dedicate themselves to their family or start their own business, use the money they have saved in their Housing Subaccount to process a mortgage loan.

At the end of February of this year, the balance of the Housing Subaccount of these women adds up to a total of 204 thousand 271.5 million pesos, resources that they can use to buy their house regardless of whether they no longer contribute to Infonavit.

The beneficiaries who are interested in this credit scheme must present to the participating banking institution of their choice the Infonavit Account Certificate + Bank Credit, a document that indicates the amount they have saved in their Housing Subaccount and that will be used as a financing down payment for buy your home.

To obtain it, they only need to log in to My Infonavit Account (micuenta.infonavit.org.mx), locate the option “My credit process” and select “I am interested in a Credit”; After that, the amount of your savings from your Housing Subaccount and the option “Infonavit Account Certificate + Bank Credit” will appear on the screen, which must be downloaded and printed to start the credit registration process with the bank.

The banking institution will be in charge of creating the profile of the person entitled and determining the amount of the credit. Of that amount, Infonavit will finance 30%, without exceeding 325 UMAS (equivalent to $950,653.60), and the remaining 70% will be financed by the bank under its conditions.

Infonavit Account + Bank Credit has fixed monthly payments throughout the term of the financing and an interest rate of 10.45% on the credit granted by Infonavit; while the rate of the proportional part of the bank is determined by the financial entity chosen by the beneficiary.

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