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Women united against breast cancer – Diario de Querétaro

A great event was held at the San José hospital with the presence of those involved, where the Women United Against Breast Cancer Institution (MUCCAM), chaired by Margarita Carranco, signed the agreement to perform twelve breast reconstruction surgeries to patients who for at least they have been free of this disease for two years.

The announcement was made publicly in the presence of the director of the hospital, Manuel Borbolla who announced the sum of his operating room to perform one surgery per month for free, headed by Dr. Caracheo who also joins the project at no cost to carry out the intervention and it will be a pink gas station that donates a percentage of its sale on Wednesdays to acquire the prosthesis that is valued at $ 1,200 each.

Margarita Carranco, president of the institution told Diario de Querétaro that they are governed by the principle of supporting women in their fight against breast cancer and it is through psychological consultations, thanatology and with the campaign throughout the year to review and timely detect any signal that allows the assessment of the start of a treatment.

As a special guest at the event, Coco García Quiroz attended, who in 2007 was in charge of the Public Charity Board where 26 women with reconstruction surgery were supported. There were also two survivors Martha Kuri and Susana, who when giving her testimony it was known that she will be the number 1 in this project presented.

In an interview Carranco explained that breast reconstruction is seen in a superfluous way, because they relate it to aesthetics, when others say that what is at stake is life, but Margarita assures that it is not; It refers to the fact that young women, for example, and those not so young, to recover part of the body that was lost, through surgeries, is to restore stability, security, self-esteem.

“Our creator put the mother to feed our children, but nowadays and in many cases it has been seen as something aesthetic, the more breast you have, the more intelligent, more beautiful, more successful and that is not the case, this scheme It is the one we want to break, without being against those who want to feel that way, at MUCCAM it is not the goal for which we work; what we want is to rescue the importance of its essence ”.

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