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Women Should Know: How to Take 1 Emergency Contraceptive Pill After Having Sex

Women should know! How to take 1 emergency contraceptive pill after having sex What should I do? Ready to take you to check your period and symptoms. which is a side effect of birth control

If anyone accidentally has unprotected sex or fear that you will get pregnant after sex Don’t forget to take the emergency contraceptive pill to be safe. But do you know that Nowadays, emergency contraceptive pills are becoming more diverse.1 emergency contraceptive pill and 2 pills Today, Thaiger wants to take the opportunity to take the girls to seeHow to take 1 emergency contraceptive pill When should I eat after sex? And will there be any side effects to be aware of? Ready to go and see.

How to take 1 emergency contraceptive pill correctly When should I take it after sex?

In the past, emergency contraceptive pills consisted of 2 pills, the first pill to be taken within 12 hours of intercourse, followed by hours after taking the second pill. But nowadays, there is a new drug coming out, that is, 1 emergency contraceptive pill, which is as effective as two pills.

Why should I take the emergency contraceptive pill?

Taking emergency contraceptive pills (morning-after pills) can help prevent Do not allow women to become pregnant when they are not ready. after having unprotected sex The emergency contraceptive pill will interfere with ovulation. not fertilize with male sperm Those who should take the emergency contraceptive pill include:

have unprotected sex The condom leaks or breaks during sex. Forgot to take birth control pills on schedule Ignoring contraceptive injections being raped Calculating the day of ovulation wrong Can’t ejaculate in time IUD or implantable contraceptives

How to take 1 emergency contraceptive pill

single pill emergency contraceptive can be eaten immediately after sex or within the first 72 – 120 hours, the sooner you eat The more efficient it is to work.

The single oral contraceptive pill Ulipristal acetate (UPA) is taken as a single dose (30 mg). Levonorgestrel It also helps to resist implantation of fertilized eggs. by interfering with the readiness of the uterine lining as well

So if anyone who has unprotected sex or an accident where the condom breaks wrong counting of ovulation days as well as forgetting to inject contraceptives or being raped It is recommended that you buy 1 type of emergency contraceptive pill to eat immediately. Or as soon as possible within the first 72 – 120 hours, because do not forget that if the eggs and sperm are mixed together to form an embryo Emergency contraceptive pills can no longer prevent or help.

emergency contraceptive pill side effects Has your period come?

After taking the emergency contraceptive pill, either 1 or 2 pills, each person’s body will have different reactions and side effects, for example:

Nausea-vomiting Irregular menstrual cycles, fainting, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, or feeling like severe menstrual cramps. In the long term, there may be a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Who is prohibited from using emergency contraception? high risk

Although the emergency contraceptive pill may seem necessary. For those who are afraid of not being ready to get pregnant But emergency contraceptives are not suitable for all women. Because research has shown that people with these diseases Absolutely do not use contraceptives. Those who are at risk and should not use contraceptives include:

epilepsy high blood pressure patients Visceral-Breast Cancer Patients diabetic patients kidney malfunction Obese patients, high fat, thromboembolic patients Cardiovascular patients Patients with cirrhosis or liver cancer severe migraine patients

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However, if anyone wants to use emergency contraception Don’t forget to check if you are sick. Or have a history of illness and receive treatment from any disease? For safe use of both 1 and 2 emergency contraceptive pills, remember to calculate the hours after intercourse. You will be able to take emergency contraceptives in a timely manner. Don’t risk getting pregnant if you’re not ready later.

information from synphaet and cosmenet

2023-08-31 06:27:41

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