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Women in Agriculture: Cultivating Life and Livelihoods

Hannover. Without women, nothing works on farms and in rural areas. But what about career opportunities or equality? It shows how diverse the achievements and roles of women in agriculture are, but also where there are still sticking points Photo exhibition “Women.Life.Agriculture” until January 15, 2025 in the Lower Saxony Ministry of Agriculture. The opinions of visitors are also sought.

Agriculture Minister Miriam Staudte: “I have already spoken to many women who are involved on the farms and in rural areas – always with a lot of commitment, both for the company and for the people who live and work there. A lot has already happened when it comes to equality, but more needs to be done – so that women in agriculture have equal rights.

A lot of performance, a lot of commitment – but what about, for example, the career opportunities for women in agriculture, participation in the company, pension provision? How do women see their situation in family and relationships? What does equality look like not just on paper but in reality?

The portraits by photographer Anna Tiessen give the study “The living situation of women on farms in Germany” a face. The nationwide study was carried out on the initiative and with the support of the German Rural Women’s Association by the Thünen Institute and the University of Göttingen, funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The results of the so-called “Rural Women Study” show, among other things, that equality for women in agriculture has not yet been achieved and that there is still a lot to be done to overcome traditional role patterns and give women better access to management succession and farm succession and resources make possible.

Further information on the rural women study:

Was? Traveling exhibition Women.Life.Agriculture

Wo? Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

Calenberger Straße 2

30169 Hannover

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m

(closed on: December 18th, December 24th to January 1st, 2025)

When? Until Thursday, January 16, 2025

Photo rights: Anna Tiessen/BMEL

Women.Life.Agriculture: How do women live in agriculture?

detail photograph

**Besides policy changes,⁢ what other crucial step does Dr. Schmidt⁢ recommend to dismantle ⁢traditional gender⁢ roles on farms and⁣ foster equality for women? ⁢**

## Real Women, Real Farms:​ An Interview with Dr. Maria‌ Schmidt on Equality ​in German Agriculture

**World Today News: Dr. ⁤Schmidt, thank you ​for joining us​ today. The photo exhibition “Women.Life.Agriculture” in Hannover makes‍ a powerful statement about the role⁢ of women ⁤in rural areas. What ‌were some of ‍the key ⁢takeaways from the “Rural Women⁢ Study”, which ​inspired this‌ exhibit?**

**Dr. Schmidt:** The study painted‍ a complex picture.

We saw incredible dedication and​ capability from the women we interviewed. They⁢ are truly the backbone of farms and ‍rural⁤ communities, contributing in countless ways.​ Yet, beneath this⁢ resilience, we⁢ uncovered lingering disparities.

**WTN: What are some‍ specific⁣ examples of these disparities?**

**Dr.‍ Schmidt:**⁢ Firstly, career​ progression remains a challenge.

While many women are deeply involved ⁤in ‍day-to-day operations, they‌ are⁣ often​ not recognized as⁤ decision-makers, especially in

traditional family-run farms. This impacts their access to training, financial resources, and ultimately, fair compensation. Secondly, social support systems often fail to⁤ adequately⁣ address the unique needs of women in ⁣rural areas. ⁤This includes childcare, healthcare access, and even the simple opportunity for social ⁢interaction ⁤and networking, all crucial building blocks ⁤for personal⁣ and professional growth.

**WTN: Minister Staudte ⁢mentioned that ⁢”a lot has already happened when it‌ comes to equality”. Where do you see these ​improvements?**

**Dr. Schmidt:**​ There’s growing ‍awareness of the issue. ⁤Policymakers ​are ⁢recognizing the vital ⁢role ⁤of ⁢women in agriculture and‌ the ‍need for targeted support. This ⁣is reflected in

initiatives promoting women’s leadership in the sector and providing training specifically tailored to their needs.

**WTN: What more needs to be done to achieve real equality in ⁣German agriculture?**

**Dr. Schmidt:** We need a multi-pronged ⁤approach.

Firstly, dismantling ‍traditional gender roles⁢ within ⁢farm families is crucial. This ⁢requires open

communication, sharing responsibilities equitably, and acknowledging the​ value of women’s ‍contributions⁤ beyond domestic work.

Secondly, we need policy ⁣changes that​ level‌ the playing field. ‍This⁢ includes

guaranteeing‌ equal ‌access to ⁤land ownership, credit, and training ‍opportunities.

creating strong social support ⁢networks⁤ specifically​ tailored to the needs of rural women is paramount.

This includes accessible childcare, healthcare, and‌ opportunities for socialization and professional development.

**WTN: ‍The ⁤“Women.Life.Agriculture”⁢ exhibition invites visitors to contribute their

opinions. What ‌message do you‍ hope people take away from‌ the exhibition and ‌the “Rural Women Study”?**

**Dr. Schmidt:** We want to spark

a conversation.

We want to shine a light⁣ on the multifaceted‌ lives of⁢ women in

agriculture, acknowledge their​ invaluable contributions,‌ and inspire action to create a

more ⁣equitable and sustainable future for rural⁣ communities. It’s‌ about‌ recognizing that ‌their success is intimately tied to the success

of German agriculture as a whole.

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