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Women: How to maintain your post-quarantine well-being

We share a small guide to keep you healthy and reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

Stefany Jovel

Canada and the city of Toronto are currently going through the gradual return to normality. This is good news because it means that the country’s efforts to progressively eradicate COVID-19 are already bearing fruit, and it is essential during this stage to maintain hygiene and social distancing measures.

As restrictions are reduced, women also return to resume certain daily activities, so we share a small guide to keep you healthy and reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

When leaving home

Always wear one or two masks. Before putting it on, wash your hands and avoid touching it when you have it on. As soon as it is wet, you should discard it.

Remember that the transmission is carried out by eyes, nose and mouth, so avoid touching your face while you are on the street.

Try to keep a minimum distance of 2 meters from anyone, even if you queue.

Remember to always carry an antibacterial gel in your wallet. Use it frequently on your way to your workplace, by touching door handles, on the bus or train.

Upon returning home

Try not to touch anything until you have washed your hands. Put the things you brought (keys, purse) in a bag or box at the entrance.

Then, disinfect your glasses, cell phone and accessories with alcohol.

If you are pregnant

According to the information available so far, pregnant women may be at greater risk from COVID-19. In addition, there may be an increased risk of adverse pregnancy consequences, such as preterm delivery, among pregnant people with COVID-19. Therefore, if you are pregnant:

Limit interactions with other people as much as possible.

Take precautions to avoid getting COVID-19 when you need to interact with other people.

Children’s mental well-being

The most recommended is to avoid exposure to news and social networks. Most of the information that is circulating is not intended for this audience. You can talk to them about the situation and answer their questions clearly and easily.

Stay active

Around the planet, exercise number one is still walking. However, there are other options like going for a run, doing yoga or dancing. This will help increase your immune system, decrease anxiety and keep your health in optimal conditions.

Eat healthy

Eat well and include vegetables, complex carbohydrates, protein or legumes and a small portion of fats in your meals. Take care of the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, since at the moment it can calm your anxiety, but in the long term it can affect your health.

Get enough sleep

Getting a good rest is essential for your health, so it is important to set schedules and accustom the body to sleep when creating routines. Measure your time on screens, (social networks, video games or television) and do not eat heavy food if it is close to the time of sleep. You can also practice meditation techniques.

Take up a hobby

This is the perfect time to discover or pick up a hobby! This not only helps you stay busy, it also helps alleviate sadness and anxiety. We suggest:

Learn a new language

clean your closet

recreate makeup

change your “look”

read a book that you find interesting

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