ROMA – The first International Festival of Gender Economy entitled “Culture, work, rights. Dialogue on equality”, created by the “Oltre” association which joins the RAI campaign “No Women No Panel”. The Festival aims to promote female awareness, addressing gender inequalities in the economy and aims to provide women with the tools necessary to achieve economic equality, overcome financial dependence and combat all forms of violence. Three days of discussion and reflection between institutions, associations, bodies, academics and experts at both a national and international level who will share opinions, knowledge and stories of good practices during panels, workshops and interviews. In the rooms of the Roman Villa Altieri from 16 to 18 April there will also be screenings of films, readings, testimonies, meetings dedicated to books and appointments with sport.
Beyond financial literacy. It is essential to achieve gender equality and fight violence. “Women are often exposed to situations of discrimination or economic abuse. – explains Elisabetta Migliorelli, deputy director of TG2 and president ofOltre association – The economic-financial gender gap is connected to less financial knowledge on the part of women compared to men, to a patriarchal mentality that is still strongly widespread in Europe and in the rest of the world and to practices according to which certain behaviors are accepted as normal which, in reality , are an expression of economic oppression.
The great value of independence. These factors or their combination lead women to delegate the economic-financial management of the family with the consequence that their independence and freedom of choice are put at serious risk”. This is why financial literacy becomes essential to allow women to manage their finances, access appropriate financial services and products, and start entrepreneurial activities. Decision-making autonomy in this area prevents the risk of the invisible wall of economic violence, often a prelude to other multiple and interconnected forms of violence. “Even today in the professional sphere, women on average earn less than men and are more difficult to find them in top positions. The gap is attributed to various reasons – continues Migliorelli – including systemic discrimination and cultural and legislative barriers that limit the advancement of women in careers.”
The three days for women. The Oltre International Festival of Gender Economy, created under the executive direction of the journalist Rosa Polito, aims to contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive society that guarantees equal opportunities in all sectors through economic-financial literacy, promoting female support and spreading a culture that recognizes the role and skills of women, encouraging gender education also in the family and at school, will open on Tuesday 16 April at 9.30 am with the video message from the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola and with the institutional greetings from the Mayor of Rome Capital, Roberto Gualtieri.
Financial education and inequalities. Immediately afterwards, over thirty panels on the most disparate topics began: from financial education against gender inequalities to over-indebtedness, not forgetting microcredit up toAgenda ONU 2030 and issues related to employment levels. Many of the protagonists took turns on stage, including: Gabriella Alemanno, Consob Commissioner, Paola Ansuini, Director of Communications at the Bank of Italy’s Financial Protection and Education Department, Claudia Cattani, President of BNL BNP Paribas, Martina Rogato, Co-Chair Women7 ( G7). And many others.
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– 2024-04-14 10:26:49