Home » today » News » Woman is accused after the dog she owned, killed little boy in Brumunddal. – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Woman is accused after the dog she owned, killed little boy in Brumunddal. – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The penalty is six years in prison.

It should be a pleasant visit to a close relative in Brumunddal this June day in the summer of 2021.

But a boy of one and a half years was killed by a dog on site.

The woman who owned the dog is closely related to the boy and his family.

The person in question is now charged after this serious incident.

The attack of one of the dogs

According to the indictment, the owner let two dogs she owned go loose in the garden, with the porch door to the living room open.

Between the porch and the living room, the owner had set up a temporary gate, yet one of the dogs, a Rottweiler, got hold of the boy. The boy died on the spot as a result of the bite injuries.

In a press release, the police write that the case will shortly be sent to Østre Innlandet for framing of the trial.

Tragic for everyone

The dogs were of the breeds Rottweiler and Golden Retriever and were killed shortly after the tragic incident on Saturday 5 June last summer.

The woman who owned the dogs was charged shortly after with a violation of section 28 of the Dog Act.

This means that the owner can be convicted of not having taken care to prevent or prevent a dog from attacking or injuring a human.

The case shakes the local community.

The crisis team in Ringsaker municipality was involved to help the families.

It is very rare for dogs to attack and kill humans.

In Norway, nine people have died as a result of dog attacks in the last twenty years.

Extensive investigation

DEFENDING DOG OWNER: lawyer Jens Henrik Lien defends the woman who owns the dogs.

Photo: Private

The police have spent almost ten months on the investigation.

This is partly due to waiting for external documents and investigations.

The public prosecutor was also not entirely satisfied along the way and asked the police for more investigation.

– In such a serious case, it has been necessary to use the time it has taken, said police attorney Ranveig Tufte to NRK, when she sent the case to the public prosecutor.

Defendant of the accused woman, lawyer Jens Henrik Lien, says his client has been made aware of the content of the indictment. Beyond that, he now has no comment.

Tore Famestad is an assistance lawyer for the boy’s father and has no comment other than that he takes note of the indictment.

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