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Woman Hospitalized After Brutal Attack by Husband: Latest Report of Domestic Violence

Another report of domestic violence was filed today. A letter arrived from a worried friend of Maria Ruscheva from Burgas. She says that her friend was brutally beaten by her husband Vasil Kirichev and was taken to hospital.

Maria Ruscheva and 29-year-old Vasil Kirichev, who is the owner of the “Viva Svyat” funeral agency, have been a married couple for 5 years. They have an almost 4-year-old child who bears the name of his father. After another horrific scandal last Thursday, Maria decided, that it was high time to leave the family home. She started to pack her bags when Vasil pulled out a gun and held it to her chest. He threatened to kill her. As she refused to stay with him, he began to mercilessly beat her in the face with his fists. And the ugly scene unfolded in front of their child, claims the whistleblower.

See the full letter:

“I want to tell you the story of my friend Maria Ruscheva and her fiance Vasil Kirichev. I am asking for anonymity, because this man is very dangerous and as he beat her, he can also attack me, but I think it is right to give publicity to this story because he almost killed her. Maria and Vasil have been together for years. They have a 4-year-old son who is also named Vasil. They were a family. Vasil proposed to her the second month after they became boyfriends, but it never came to a wedding.

In the last few months, things between them have become very strained. She tells me everything and I know things in detail. Vasil found a lover who probably turned him against Maria. On Thursday she called me and told me that they had an argument and that he had hit her.

He sent me a video of the ambulance, his face was covered in blood. He punched her in the face and smashed her head into a cupboard. He put a gun to her chest and threatened her. They decided to separate, and when she started to take out her luggage, he literally attacked her with a crochet hook. He was nervous. Then she grabbed the child and ran in front of the apartment building. “Copper mine” until an ambulance and police arrived.

This isn’t the first time he’s done it to her. She has several medical certificates already. He is the owner of the “Viva Svjet” funeral agency. He is a dangerous person.

The child is now with her parents because she was in hospital for several days. She has a lot of bruises, a broken bone and she was having a scan. Tomorrow they will put her to sleep and insert a tube because she is spitting up blood. Her entire eye is still red. I am very worried about her.

She told me that Vasil called her and regretted his actions, but there is no forgiveness for such actions! He insults her, calls her “garbage” and other ugly words, and then regrets it. Maria is another case of domestic violence, so I want to tell her story and prevent other women from becoming pawns of their men.”

After the incident, Vasil Kirichev was detained by the police officers. During the search of their home in The gun with which Maria was threatened was found in “Meden Rudnik”, reports “Flagman”.

2023-11-28 15:39:38

#businessman #beat #Maria #Ruscheva #Girlfriend #called #trash

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