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Woman from Delft is struggling with coronavirus, possibly also in Rotterdam | Interior

The woman in Delft has no direct link with the first cases of infection, in Amsterdam and in Loon op Zand. She was in the northern Italian region of Lombardy last week. The man from Loon op Zand had also been there, just like the woman from Amsterdam. This region appears to be a major source of infection for the new corona virus.

There may also be an eighth case. A woman was admitted to the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam on Saturday who tested positive for the virus, a hospital spokeswoman told De Telegraaf. She is in an isolated department and is being tested a second time. After the second test, there is officially a contamination. “The result will be announced on Sunday during the course of the day. The hospital immediately implements precautionary measures, for example by having personnel work in isolation suits. “

The daughter and wife of the patient from Loon op Zand are also infected with the corona virus, it turned out Saturday. They are in home insulation. Some other people who were tested tested negative. The Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital (ETZ) in Tilburg has started a contact investigation among employees who have had contact with the three patients from Loon op Zand who have been infected with the new corona virus.

The 56-year-old man was admitted to hospital on Wednesday. It was announced on Thursday that he is the first case of infection in our country. Last week he celebrated carnival in Tilburg. According to the mayor of Tilburg Theo Weterings, the man was not contagious when he celebrated the carnival and he is doing well.

The authorities indicate that there is no reason for additional measures. The entrepreneur from Loon op Zand had recently been in the north of Italy for work. The number of corona deaths has since risen to 29; the number of infections exceeds a thousand, reports Reuters news agency. This makes Italy by far the “leader” in the number of corona cases in Europe.

Developments February 29

  • Number of corona deaths Italy rises to 29, more than a thousand people infected
  • More than a hundred French corona infections
  • First corona death in the US
  • Probably the first corona infection in Luxembourg
  • German teacher infected with corona, 100 people in quarantine
  • British-Iranian prisoner in Iranian cell infected with corona
  • Wife and daughter of husband from Loon op Zand also infected
  • The man and the youngest child of the woman from Amsterdam who is infected with the corona virus are also infected.
  • Paris prohibits events of 5000 people in confined spaces
  • Coronavirus is spreading in the German-Dutch border region
  • Family members of the Amsterdam corona patient also have the virus
  • Border region relaxes quarantine policy
  • No shaking hands for matches in IJburg
  • More Dutch people locked up in hotels Abu Dhabi
  • Up to now 80 to 100 Dutch people have been tested for corona
  • Fire in Iran hospital
  • South Korea’s number of infections has risen above 3,000
  • Dead China is rising again

Result family members of Amsterdam woman

The man and the youngest child of the woman from Amsterdam who is infected with the corona virus are also infected. This has emerged from samples that the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has investigated, reports a spokesperson for the RIVM. The two now also stay in home insulation. The two other children from the family are not infected, the GGD reports Saturday afternoon.

All contacts of the infected father and the youngest child are now also mapped and examined. The Amsterdam elementary school Laterna Magica, on which one of the non-infected children is sitting, will open again on Monday. This is done on the advice of the GGD in consultation with the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), according to a letter to the parents of the school. The mother was still in primary school last Wednesday to check for lice. As a precaution, the pupil stays in home isolation for two weeks, on the advice of RIVM. Together with a third child, who is also not infected, it stays with family.

A youth nurse is present at the school on Monday morning to answer questions from parents. The GGD can also be reached by phone this weekend. To be on the safe side, the masters and teachers do not give a hand on entering and going home to the children in the coming two weeks. The school also takes over the hygiene measures recommended by the GGD, such as more frequent hand washing, sneezing and coughing on the inside of the elbow and the use of tissue paper. The daycare center of the youngest already announced on Friday that it will close its doors for two weeks.

On Friday it was announced that the infected Amsterdam resident in Diemen is in home isolation. She had been in Lombardy (Northern Italy) and then received complaints. Her husband has also been to Lombardy. They camp in Diemen because their house is being rebuilt in Amsterdam.

As far as is known, there are now a total of six people in the Netherlands who are infected with the virus. It was first discovered by a man from Loon op Zand earlier this week. He too has contracted the infection in Lombardy. He is still staying in a hospital in Tilburg.

America’s first corona death

In the United States there is the first case of death from the corona virus. According to KOMO News is a patient who died in King County, in the state of Washington in northwestern USA.

The city of Seattle is located in King County. The patient who died is a man in his late fifties, who was already struggling with other physical disorders. Previously there was a woman. It is still being investigated where the man contracted the infection.

US President Donald Trump said at a White House meeting that it is “likely” that more corona cases will occur in the US. He has a meeting with representatives of pharmaceutical companies on Monday to discuss a vaccine.

US Secretary of State Mike Pence announced further restrictions on travel from Iran. He advised the population not to go to certain regions in Italy and South Korea where there is a corona outbreak.

Also the first corona infection in Ireland

A first coronavirus infection has been reported in Ireland, the government of the country announced on Saturday. It is again about a man who has returned from northern Italy, where the infections are all over Europe.

According to the Ministry of Health, the man has visited an affected area in northern Italy and is likely to be infected there. The authorities say they have succeeded in quickly identifying everyone who has been in contact with the patient. “To inform and advise them to prevent further spread,” the ministry said.

Probably the first corona infection in Luxembourg

Luxembourg probably has its first corona case. The virus was diagnosed in a man in his forties. A second test, which is being conducted in Rotterdam, must provide certainty, according to the authorities.

The man had returned from Italy and traveled to Luxembourg via the airport of Charleroi in Belgium. He was one of the fifty people who have been tested in Luxembourg so far.

The results of the study in Rotterdam are expected to be known on Sunday morning.

France is banning kisses because of coronavirus

French Health Minister Olivier Véran calls on his countrymen to stop kissing each other or to give cheek-to-cheek hugs as a way of greeting. It is one of the measures to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Earlier it was called not to shake hands.

“We recommend reducing social contacts of a physical nature,” the minister said at a press conference. He includes this kind of greetings.

The French government has canceled the Paris half marathon, which was to be held on Sunday. Indoor gatherings with more than 5,000 people are also prohibited.

The number of coronavirus infections in France has risen to 100 on Saturday. The day before that was 73. Two people have died so far as a result of the virus.

British-Iranian prisoner in Iranian cell infected with corona

A British-Iranian woman trapped in Iran has been infected with the new corona virus there. The husband of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has reported that according to British media.

According to husband Richard, the prison refuses to confirm the infection, but he says he would be “surprised” if not sick. “There are enough symptoms and the authorities are reluctant to see that.”

Coronavirus is spreading in the German-Dutch border region

The number of coronavirus infections in the German region of Heinsberg, just over the border with Sittard, has exploded on Saturday. According to German broadcaster WDR, the virus has so far been found in 60 people. Among the infected people are also four children from a day care center, the regional administration announced. On Friday evening the counter was 37.

GGD: no symptoms of illness among Limburgers

The GGD Zuid Limburg reports on Saturday that no disease symptoms have yet been seen in the people following the GGD, due to a possible infection with the new corona virus.

The health service follows fifteen people who may have been infected recently. These Limburgers were asked to record their temperature once a day and to contact the GGD in case of complaints.

It was previously reported that the GGD supervised six people in Limburg who were present at a carnival meeting on 15 February in Langbroich, in the municipality of Gangelt. Fourteen Germans who participated in it appear to have the corona virus. One of the six Limburgers had contact with one of the sick people, and is therefore being monitored extra.

German teacher infected with corona, 100 people in quarantine

The discovery of the corona virus in a primary school teacher in Mönchengladbach in Germany has resulted in a major quarantine operation. Seventy students from third classes and all thirty teachers and other staff must go home in isolation, the city announced on Saturday.

The school will close until 15 March. The teacher has been in quarantine since Thursday. He has been in contact with children from third classes and other teaching staff during a day of classes.

Brothers and sisters of the children and their parents do not have to sit at home separately. The school has 375 students in 15 classes.

Heinsberg border region relaxes quarantine policy

The German region (Kreis) Heinsberg on the Limburg border, between Roermond and Brunssum, moderates quarantine policy immediately. Not everyone who has come into contact with a person infected with the coronavirus is, as usual, quarantined. Only people who have fallen ill since then have to quarantine and have themselves tested if necessary. With a few exceptions, others can continue with their work and other daily activities.

That was said by Stephan Pusch of Kreis Heinsberg on Saturday morning in a video message to the population. The reason is an infected employee at the Kreis itself. If everyone who had been in contact with her had to go home immediately and stay indoors for 14 days, then the entire Kreis board and the crisis team would have been down all that time, and that is not done, Pusch said.

No shaking hands for football or hockey matches

At the hockey and football club in Amsterdam’s IJburg district, no hands are shaken this weekend prior to the matches. The clubs take hygiene measures because a woman from the capital is infected with the corona virus. Last week, among other things, she had contact with children at the Laterna Magica primary school in IJburg as a ‘lice fluffer’.

The competitions and training of hockey club AHC IJburg and AFC IJburg will continue for the time being. “This until further notice from the municipality,” says chairman of the hockey club Christine Willems. As a precaution, the toilets contain disinfectant soap.

More Dutch people locked up in hotels Abu Dhabi

In the hotels closed in Abu Dhabi because of the corona virus there are a number of other Dutch people in addition to Dutch cyclists. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot say exactly how much it concerns.

“The embassy is in contact with a few Dutch people and they are still trying to find out if there are other Dutch people staying in the hotel with whom there has not been any contact,” said a spokesman for the ministry. It is not known whether these Dutch people have also been tested for the corona virus.

The riders and other team members of the cycling teams who are still trapped in a hotel in Abu Dhabi have undergone a test. The emirate’s Ministry of Health confirmed that 167 tests conducted had not shown any contamination. More results are expected in the coming hours. Until then, the riders and staff members remain in quarantine.

Up to now 80 to 100 Dutch people have been tested for corona

Up to now, between 80 and 100 Dutch people have been tested for the new corona virus. With the exception of the four known patients, all tests were negative, a RIVM spokesperson said Saturday morning.

Fire in Iran hospital

Residents of the Iranian city of Bandar Abbas have set fire to a hospital because people thought that coronavirus patients had been admitted there. Rumors circulated that the sick had been taken from another city to the clinic to be placed in quarantine. According to a spokeswoman for the hospital, these are lies, news channel al-Arabiya reports.

Number of South Korea infections above 3000

The number of people in South Korea infected with the corona virus has risen to well over 3,000 on Saturday. Health services reported 219 new cases, bringing the total number of infections in the Asian country to 3,150.

The authorities already announced 594 new cases earlier in the day. This is the strongest increase in the number of infections in a day since the virus first appeared in South Korea on 20 January.

Dead toll China is rising again

The daily number of deaths and new infections from the corona virus in China is rising again. Authorities report Saturday that 47 people died against 29 deaths the day before. So far, the lung virus has claimed 2835 lives in the Asian country.

Almost all deaths occurred in Hubei, the central Chinese province where the virus first appeared. One of the 47 people died in Beijing, the other in Henan province.

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