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Woman demands 1.5 million in bullying compensation from the municipality


20. feb. 2023 09:28 – Updated 20 Feb. 2023 09:28

Stavanger Aftenblad describes the woman, who is now in her late 20s, how she was subjected to bullying at primary school over time, and that she also claims that she has been subjected to at least two sexual assaults. This was reported by the municipality.

The case was dropped, partly because the boys were under the criminal minimum age (15) and could not be prosecuted anyway.

As a result of the incidents, the girl is said to have struggled with both self-harm and to have been admitted to a youth psychiatric ward in Stavanger. Today, she is partially disabled and has been determined to be partially permanently medically disabled.

Bernt Hodne, who is the woman’s lawyer, believes that the municipality has not taken care of her demand for a good and safe psychosocial environment at school.

– They have not introduced measures in her school environment, as they should. Among other things, she has sought a lot of adult contact during recess, because she was not allowed in with the other students – a typical sign that she has not had a good time at school, says Hodne.

On behalf of the woman, he will demand around NOK 1.5 million in compensation when the case starts in Sør-Rogaland district court on Monday.

The municipal manager in the relevant municipality denies that mistakes have been made in the case which could entitle the woman to compensation. At the same time, they believe that the case is also to be considered obsolete.

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