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Woman dead in air rope, first warnings

(ANSA) – SONDRIO, 08 MAY – The Sondrio Public Prosecutor’s Office, directed by Piero Basilone, has served the first notices of warranty to some employees of Bema’s Fly Emotion for the accident that cost the life of a 41-year-old Moroccan woman, Ghizlane Moutahir, who crashed at the end of the aerial cable crossing in Valtellina. The hypothesis of crime is manslaughter and the warning notice is a necessary act. The plant, now under seizure, currently employs around fifteen workers, some of whom were on duty on Sunday, when the tourist lost her life under the gaze of her young nieces who filmed the tragedy with a smartphone. In recent days, the magistrates have notified all the people who might be interested in participating with a biased expert in the autopsy (the victim’s family members and possible various suspects) scheduled for Friday, by the pathologist Luca Tajana of the Institute of forensic medicine from the University of Pavia. Meanwhile, in strict secrecy, the soldiers of the Sagf-Alpine Rescue of the Guardia di Finanza of Sondrio, delegated by prosecutor Stefano Latorre to conduct the investigations, continue to listen to the witnesses present on that tragic day at the accident in Bema and also to verify whether, in the past, there have been similar precedents, although less serious. It is, in fact, about collecting useful elements. (HANDLE).

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– 2024-05-09 10:55:00

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