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Woman claims covid-19 vaccine aged her

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There are people who put on the covid-19 vaccine presented reactions that ranged from headache, sneezing or tiredness, but there is a woman who assures that when receiving her reinforcement she began to experience a strange reaction that made her age twenty years in just three days.

Michelle Flower, 41, who lives in Sheffield, UK, had her brace placed Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, which was applied in January of this year, however, he has indicated that a few days after being inoculated, he noticed cracks on his lips and a burning sensation on his face.

Two weeks after vaccination Michelle noticed the cracks in her lips, as well as blisters that caused her to bleed. In accordance with YorshireLive, Michelle commented that when she went to the doctor, the specialist told her that she had a rare side effect from the vaccine and that it was an allergic reaction.

“The only pain relief cream I found relieves me for about 20 minutes. GPs are not aware of this new side effect of the prick,” he told the outlet.

Michelle Flower was diagnosed with hives and the doctor gave her steroids to treat the condition and although with the treatment everything improved, when he finished it again the discomfort returned, so he took the steroids five more times.

The woman assures that due to the vaccine her immune system was damaged and that it is for this reason that he had become dependent on steroids.

“I have the most sore lips in the world, it’s like having herpes forming and opening on the lips. I have hives on my neck and psoriasis in the creases of my arms. All my joints and fingers ache.”

Later, Michelle spoke with the mother of a friend who had apparently had the same reaction as her to receiving the Pfizer vaccine. After this, Flower self-diagnosed dermatomyositis, a condition also known as butterfly eyes.

“I was crying in pain. I haven’t slept for days. I have been like this for two weeks after I had the reinforcement from Pfizer, ”he explained to the media, in addition to commenting that he felt his face burn all the time.

Although he assures that the vaccine caused him this condition, he indicated that he is in favor of people being inoculated, but asked everyone to be aware of the side effects that may arise.


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