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Woman can no longer go to the toilet: the reason is incredible!

von happy soul

A woman is admitted to the hospital because she has tremendous pain in her bladder, especially when urinating. Doctors are shocked to find out why.

Some people go to the toilet too often, but this woman complains about the exact opposite: she can no longer go to the toilet and is hospitalized for it.

There the doctors make an unbelievable find during their examination and immediately send them to the operation. Prepare yourself for something, because you don’t want to experience that.

Pain when peeing

The woman from Chicago in the United States has been complaining of painful urination for over half a year. But every time the doctors prescribe antibiotics because they predict a urinary tract infection.

But at some point the 56-year-old can no longer go to the toilet at all and drives to the hospital. There the doctors do a CT scan and find amazing things!

11 centimeters in diameter

There is a huge bladder stone in the woman’s bladder! Usually the stones are a few millimeters or centimeters in diameter. But this one is as big as a grapefruit.

Woman goes to the emergency room because of bladder pain Yuttana Jaowattana / EyeEm@Getty Images

The stone measures 11 centimeters in diameter and blocks the exit of the bladder, so she can only pee properly when she is lying down. The woman has to go to the operating room immediately to remove the stone.

Reported about it Oxford Academic. The doctors remove the stone and the woman is better. Cases like these are extremely rare and experts cannot provide general information on long-term consequences due to a lack of comparative data.

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