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Woman Advised by Doctors to Lose Weight for Years Actually Had a 41kg Cyst

The woman says that two doctors said at once that she was overweight.

A woman from the UK, who was advised by doctors for years to lose weight, actually had a cyst weighing 41 kilograms. Only after the operation did her life improve.

Writes about it mirror.co.uk.

Paisley Dylan lived for 20 years with constant back pain, heavy periods, and couldn’t even tie her shoelaces on her own. She went to two different doctors because she was concerned about her belly size, but on both occasions she was told there was nothing to worry about and that she should lose weight.

The woman’s belly was shaped like she was pregnant, and therefore Paisley stopped going out, because passers-by could ask if she was pregnant. In the end, the woman began to play sports and went on a diet. She lost 19 kilograms, but her big belly did not disappear, but on the contrary, it grew.

In February 2021, Paisley was told that she had diastasis rectum – when the abdominal muscles diverge, which usually happens during pregnancy. This usually results in a visible bulge just above or below the navel.

“I’ve always had problems with my period, and every time I went to a therapist, they always told me:” Lose weight, this will help. “When my stomach began to grow, I blamed it on being overweight. I didn’t leave the house. One time, when I went outside, people looked at me. They asked if I was pregnant. I couldn’t tie my shoelaces on my own,” the woman recalls.

Subsequently, the woman went for a consultation to the third doctor and after examination it turned out that the woman was not overweight, but she had an ovarian cyst, weighing 41 kilograms. The 30-year-old woman then underwent surgery.

Paisley Dylan says that when she had the cyst removed, life improved a lot.

We will remind, the British said that now she can hardly use her hands after a severe allergic reaction to nail polish.

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2023-05-09 19:12:00
#woman #grew #pregnant #belly #doctors #told #lose #weight #problem #illness

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