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Woman Accused of Poisoning Partner for Inheritance: Court Case in Breda

ANP The court in Breda.

In association with

Broadcasting Brabant

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 23:01

The Public Prosecution Service is demanding 19 years in prison against Yvon K. from Tilburg. The 64-year-old woman is suspected of having fatally poisoned her 65-year-old partner with a suicide drug. The woman would have done this to collect his inheritance.

K. was a private care therapist and took care of Mia, the demented wife of the later victim. Due to his wife’s illness, he had sold his supermarket in Halsteren and part of his possessions. According to Broadcasting Brabant he was a wealthy man.

In May 2020, K. got into a relationship with the widower, on the day of his wife’s funeral. Two months before his death, the man changed his will and K. became the sole heiress.

Dessert with suicide drug

On the night of 8 to 9 December 2020, the former supermarket owner died in his home on Dorpsstraat in Halsteren in Brabant. A high dose of suicide drug was found in his blood. According to the OM, the drug was in a wine glass and in the remains of a dessert with cherry yogurt.

In addition, antiemetics, painkillers and sleeping pills were found in the victim’s body. K., a consultant at the euthanasia association NVVE, says she ordered those medicines on the internet, but did not administer them to her partner.

Call history deleted

On the day the man died, K. called someone from her walking club to say that a good friend of hers had died, while the victim was not found until the next day. In addition, a police investigation showed that K. deleted dozens of conversations from her call history around the date of the man’s death. In wiretapped phone conversations, officers overheard her say she was pleased that her partner was “devastated.”

The prosecutor says money was the motive for the murder. “Money is everything to her,” said the officer. Ex-partners of K. told the police that she had financial problems.

K. denies involvement in the man’s death. She stated in court that she was madly in love with him. “I’ve been in a nightmare for three years. I’m on a rollercoaster. I’m completely broken. My life is completely destroyed now. I didn’t kill him.”

The trial continues on Monday.

Are you thinking about suicide or are you worried about someone? Talking about suicide helps and can be done anonymously via chat www.113.nl or by telephone on 113 or 0800-0113.

2023-09-07 21:01:45

#demands #years #woman #Tilburg #suspected #poisoning #partner

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