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WOM is the first mobile company to add Telegram to its free social networks in Chile | Technology

WOM became the first operator in Chile to add to Telegram within their free social networks.

The company announced through its official channels that starting this Thursday, March 18, the application joins its social networks for free in all its multimedia plans and prepaid RRSS and Mixed bags.

Meanwhile, as reported by the specialized portal Pisapapeles, at site of the signature you can see Telegram next to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Snapchat.

Although WhatsApp does not appear, one-year bags of this platform are still offered for $ 1,000.

Telegram had a significant increase in the number of users after WhatsApp announced a series of changes in its Privacy Policy last january.

Specifically, the company informed its users through a notification that by accepting the new conditions, they will allow their data to be shared with the rest of Facebook’s services.

Those who do not do it until May 15, simply will not be able to continue using the application.

Because of this, at the beginning of February BioBioChile He consulted the different companies to see if they would add Telegram in their plans as they did with WhatsApp.

Despite the fact that on that occasion from WOM they claimed to be focused “on continuing to innovate and deliver the best promotions to all our clients”, they did not confirm whether they would indeed add the instant messaging service to their plans.

In Entel they indicated that for now this option was not considered, although they affirmed that it is something that would be evaluated. In the case of Movistar, they indicated that this alternative had not been considered, while Claro did not refer to the issue.

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