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Wolves can also be countered

Selber Wölfe v EHC Freiburg 3: 5 (1: 1; 1: 2; 1: 2)

In reality, the Selber Wolves wanted to beat the dollar against the EHC Freiburg. But somehow the people of Breisgau always seemed a step faster than the hosts. Vorwerk’s cracks remained at close range until the end of the match, but failed to equalize after 60 minutes.

Kruminsch bringt Selber Wölfe wieder heran

The first part of the match weighed back and forth with the guests of the optically domineering Breisgau. 7 minutes pass before the first big goal chance: Hon fails at Bitzer in Selber’s goal. The Selber Wolves survived a penalty against Gimmel unscathed, shortly after Hlozek narrowly missed. After Freiburg lost another big chance, it was Bongers in the 16 ‘, who, having lost a puck himself in his third, didn’t get asked twice in front of Bitzer and put the team ahead. of Breisgau. But the hosts did not give up. With great effort, Silbermann holds the third puck in attack almost 2 minutes after the goal and takes it to Schwamberger. Visiting goalkeeper Cerveny was able to block his shot, but Kruminsch worked consistently and brought the puck between the savior and the post to equalize.

Wolves can be countered twice

In the second half, the Selber Wolves initially had a better chance of taking the lead, but in the end Naumann and Miglio are unlucky. Better the guests, who on 27 ‘counterattack 2 against 1 and, suspected of being slightly offside, take the opportunity to get back the lead.

In the further path, Kruminsch and Gelke failed before the Freiburg Immo was completely forgotten by the same team on the blue line and, after a pass from Hochreither, he was able to run to Bitzer on his own and execute it for 1: 3. Almost in response, Naumann takes courage, realizes that Cerveny’s vision is blocked and scores the goal.

Billich with the decision in the empty door

In the final section, the Selber Wolves tried everything again to turn the game around. But it was the guests who scored again. Danner also appeared completely alone in front of Bitzer on Wittfoth’s pass. Once again the same wolf pack complained about the offside, but the goal counts. Again, Selb responded directly. Miglio took the puck in front of goal, kept his composure and backhanded the puck into the net. The hosts had ten minutes to equalize. But the minutes passed. 7 seconds before the end of the match it was Billich who scored the final score of 3: 5 with his goal in Selber’s empty goal.

Roster and team statistics

  • Selber Wölfe: Bitzer (Weidekamp) – Trska, Lavallée, Fern, Kania, Gimmel, Schaaf, Silbermann – Gelke, Kruminsch, Schwamberger, Miglio, Thompson, McNeill, Naumann, Hammerbauer, Hlozek, Woltmann, Noack, Deeg
  • EHC Freiburg: Cerveny (Benzing) – Pokorny, De Los Rios, Sonnenburg, Neher, Kaisler, Hochreither, Trinkberger – Linsemaier, Immo, Orendorz, ​​Cressey, Billich, Réway, Danner, Wittfoth, Feist, Makuzki, Bongers, Hon
  • Tore: 16. Min. 0: 1 Bongers (Lei, Makuzki); 18. Min. 1: 1 Krumisch (Schwamberger); 27. Min. 1: 2 Linsenmaier (Orendorz, ​​Pokorny); 33. Min. 1: 3 Immo (Hochreither, Kaisler); 34. Min. 2: 3 Naumann (Woltmann); 49. Min. 2: 4 Danner (Wittfoth); 50. Min. 3: 4 Mile (Thompson, McNeill); 60 minutes. 3: 5 Billich (Réway, Trinkberger)
  • Penalty times: Selb 6; Freiburg 10
  • Schiedsrichter: Kannengießer, Kapzan (Sei, Pfeifer)
  • Zuschauer: 1.168

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