Home » today » Business » Wolters Braunschweig: Brewery comes out of the crisis – with this investor

Wolters Braunschweig: Brewery comes out of the crisis – with this investor

Brunswick. For many people in Braunschweig, this was real shock news: the Hofbrauhaus Wolters out Brunswick struggles for survival. No more football games, long no open beer gardens and restaurants, no social gatherings with friends – the Corona crisis has put Wolters big stones in the way.

Most recently, the campaign “Every glass counts” on Facebook. Beer fans wanted their loved one Wolters support. But it remained difficult. Until another traditional company from Brunswick intervened and Wolters is now at your side!

Wolters Braunschweig: Volksbank joins in

The Volksbank BraWo joins Wolters and becomes a 50 percent shareholder. In addition, the Volksbank will provide the company with additional funds so that it can continue to invest in machinery and production.

“We want to set an example with our commitment and ensure the long-term existence of the ‘Wolters’ brand with its regional roots”, Jürgen Brinkmann, CEO of Volksbank BraWo, makes it clear.


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Big plans for Wolters Hof

And the two companies have big plans for Wolters. Because in the future the Hofbrauhaus should not just be a Hofbrauerei, but also become an experience center.

The plans for the Wolters-Hof:

  • Offer for company events, seminars, conferences and private parties
  • cozy beer garden
  • “Beer” open air festivals
  • family-friendly events
  • museum
  • Expansion of the “Wolters Shop”

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The city of Braunschweig also contributed to the fact that everything can be made possible in this way. Because they sold the property to the Hofbrauhaus. “Without this important component, the financing package would not have been possible,” it says. Wolters now wants to sell the property to BraWo.

However, the city of Braunschweig now has to waive the right of first refusal it has noted. As Mayor Ulrich Markurth reports, the city has already informed the council bodies this Friday that they do not want to make use of the right of first refusal. (abr)

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