Home » today » News » Wolf spotted in Wintelre: hiker surprised, cow farmer worried: ‘This is 200 meters from my pasture!’

Wolf spotted in Wintelre: hiker surprised, cow farmer worried: ‘This is 200 meters from my pasture!’

WINTELRE – The wolf has been spotted in and around Wintelre, the Kempen village just west of Eindhoven Airport. Several walkers and passers-by saw the animal walking on Sunday, it is very likely that it is the same specimen.

Ad van Mol was walking his dog near Mostheuvel on Sunday at 10:20 am when he saw a wolf in the distance. “I remember that time because I looked at my watch after I saw the wolf.” The walker was shocked, but mainly because he had never seen a wolf in the area.

“He crossed a bicycle path in the direction of the Oirschotse Heide. I thought for a moment: Damn, if only he didn’t wait for us somewhere on the side. I know they’re not dangerous to humans, but still… You know that song from Drs. P?”

At another time of the day – presumably – the same wolf was observed while the animal was walking on the Oostelbeersedijk. An unknown resident took a photo of it and shared it in the neighborhood app group. Wolf expert Glenn Lelieveld confirms that it is a wolf, the gender is unclear.

Cow farmer is concerned

Cow farmer Jan Klaasen also saw the photo of the Wintelrese wolf. He is sitting on the Kreiel with his company and is not happy with the animal. ‘This is 200 meters from my pasture’, he reports concerned on his Facebook page. Last year cows broke out at Klaasen. Then he suspected that a wolf was lurking nearby, now he says he is sure that was the case then.


Many villagers fear that the wolf will attack livestock

In Wintelre, the wolf caused quite a bit of consternation on Sunday. Discussions erupted left and right on Facebook about whether the animal really belongs here. Many villagers fear that the wolf will take livestock. Whether it comes to that is the question.

Chances are that the wolf is already a long way away. At this time of year, young wolves leave the ‘parental pack’ in search of a home of their own. The animals sometimes cover tens of kilometers per day.

Killed wolves along A2

There are currently about thirty wolves living in the Netherlands, mostly in the Veluwe. Because the number is growing, they are increasingly looking for habitat outside the Veluwe. They cross highways. That does not always end well for the animals. This month, for example, dead wolves were found along the A2 near Vught and near Kelpen-Oler in Limburg.

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